ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Low back pain (LBP) dapat menyebabkan pembatasan activity faily living beraktifitas. Terapi pada penderita LBP salah satunya adalah latihan fisik di air yaitu berenang. Berenang akan memperkuat otot-otot sekitar tulang belakang, mengurangi tekanan dari tulang dan struktur statis lainnya di punggung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan frekuensi berenang dengan tingkat nyeri pada penderita LBP. Metode: Metode penelitian survai analitik, pendekatan studi retrospektif. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh penderita LBP yang berenang di kolam renang Umbul Tlatar Boyolali sejumlah 41 responden. Teknik sampling penelitian menggunakan accidental sampling. Jumlah sampel 34 responden. Analisis data univariate dan bivariat menggunakan sperman rho. Hasil: Frekuensi berenang pada penderita LBP rutin dan tidak rutin masing-masing sebanyak 17 responden (50%). Mayoritas tingkat nyeri dalam kategori nyeri berat yaitu 12 responden (35,3%). Ada hubungan frekuensi berenang dengan tingkat nyeri pada penderita LBP diperoleh nilai p-value 0,0001<0,05. Correlation Coefficient -0,610 yaitu kekuatan hubungan sedang dengan arah hubungan negatif. Simpulan: Ada hubungan frekuensi berenang dengan tingkat nyeri pada penderita LBP kekuatan hubungan sedang dengan arah hubungan negatif. Hasil penelitian diharapkan menjadikan masukan untuk melakukan terapi berenang dalam mengurangi nyeri penderita LBP.Kata Kunci : Frekuensi berenang, tingkat nyeri, low back pain (LBP).THE RELATIONSHIP OF SWIMMING FREQUENCY WITH PAIN LEVELS IN LOW BACK PAIN PATIENTS IN UMBUL TLATAR BOYOLALIABSTRACTBackground: Low back pain (LBP) may cause activity faily living restrictions. Therapy in low back pain (LBP) is one of them is physical exercise in the water, namely swimming. Swimming will strengthen the muscles around the spine, reducing pressure from the bones and other static structures in the back. This study aims to find out the relationship of swimming frequency with pain levels in low back pain (LBP) sufferers. Method : Analytical survey research method, retrospective study approach. The study population was all sufferers of low back pain (LBP) who swam in the pool Umbul Tlatar Boyolali a total of 41 respondents. Research sampling techniques use accidental sampling. Sample number of 34 respondents. Analysis of univariate and bivariate data using sperman rho. Result: Swimming frequency in patients with regular and unre routine Low back pain (LBP) of 17 respondents (50%). The majority of low back pain (LBP) patients in the category of severe pain were 12 respondents (35.3%). There is a relationship of swimming frequency with pain levels in low back pain (LBP) patients obtained a p-value value of 0.0001<0.05. Correlation Coefficient -0.610 i.e. the strength of moderate relationship with negative relationship direction. Conclusion : There is a relationship of swimming frequency with pain levels in low back pain (LBP) sufferers of moderate strength relationship with negative relationship direction. The results of the study are expected to make input to do swimming therapy in reducing low back pain (LBP).Keywords : Swimming frequency, pain level, low back pain (LBP).
Sutanta, S., Hasbi, H. H. F. H. (PO A., & Riyani, D. (2021). HUBUNGAN FREKUENSI HIDROTERAPI (POLL THERAPY) DENGAN TINGKAT KEKUATAN OTOT PADA PENDERITA LOW BACK PAIN (LBP) DI UMBUL TLATAR BOYOLALI. Jurnal Kebidanan, 13(01), 104. https://doi.org/10.35872/jurkeb.v13i01.457
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