This paper aims to find out and criticize the financial statements made by the National ZakatAgencyofEastJavawhichhasbeenmadebasedonSFASNo.109andcompare ittothepointofviewoftheQur’anandhadith.qur’an and hadith concerning accounting for zakat can be found in the interpretation of Ayat Al-Ahkam.Themethodusedinthis paper is qualitative supported by data obtained from observations on National Zakat AgencyofEastJava.Theresultsobtainedarethatthereareseveralaccountsindicated that they are not in accordance with the Qur’an and hadith, namely: non-halal receipts, bank interest receipts, conventional bank cash, and current accounts. The author hopes that National Zakat Agency of East Java reviews the accounts in the financial statementsnotonlyfromthestandpointoffinancialandaccountingstandards,butalso fromtheQur’anandhadithandthisresearchcanbeusefultobeusedasareferencein the standard renewal used in making financialstatementsofzakat.for future research, more in-depth research can be carried out on the overall financial statements.
Narastri, M., & . H. (2019). Review of Zakat Financial Statements from the View of Ayat Al-Ahkam. KnE Social Sciences.
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