Umm Al Qura calendar is a new calendar issued by the Saudian Kingdom for civil purpose which is based on hisab (based on computation) system. The reason for issuing such kind of calendar is to unite Moslems all over the world especially in deciding the first day of Ramadhan, Idul Fitri, and Idul Adha. The hisab system of Umm al Qura calendar often leads to a controversy because it comes up with different result in determining the first day of a month compared to the other calendars which use rukyat (based on observation) system. However, this kind of calendar is widely adopted in the areas where Moslems are minority. Kata kunci: Kalender Umm al-Qura, Pergeseran Paradigma, Sistem Kalender Kerajaan Arab Saudi Pendahuluan Sebelum berdirinya kerajaan Arab Saudi secara resmi pada tahun 1932, para penguasa di Arab Saudi telah menjalin hubungan yang sangat dekat dengan ulama yang beraliran puritan, tokoh penting aliran ini adalah Muhammad ibnu Abdul Wahhab. Pemikiran-pemikiran Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab yang selanjutnya populer disebut aliran Wahhabi memiliki fungsi strategis bagi kepentingan politik penguasa Arab Saudi.
Musonnif, A. (2015). KALENDER UMM AL-QURA (Studi Pergeseran Paradigma Sistem Kalender di Kerajaan Arab Saudi). Ahkam: Jurnal Hukum Islam, 3(2).
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