The purpose of this chapter is to analyse the institutional development approaches that may be adopted to enhance the capacity of developing countries to adapt to the consequences of climate change. The approach of the chapter is to reflect on the impacts of climate change on developing countries in the context of their peculiar vulnerabilities as a step towards identifying the institutional development approaches which could adequately respond to those vulnerabilities and support climate change adaptation mechanisms in those countries. The chapter argues that the impact of climate change in the developing world would be exacerbated by excessive reliance on natural resources, poverty, weak technical and organisational capacity and a potential socio-cultural resistance to scientific and technical adaptation mechanisms. To respond to these challenges, the chapter dwells on experiences in Ghana to discuss national- and local-level institutional reforms as well as international cooperation that could be adopted by developing countries to enhance their resilience to the impacts of climate change, with an emphasis on sustainable agriculture and food security. The chapter would be a useful guide to governments in the developing world in preparing their nations to adapt to climate change, as well as non-governmental and international organisations involved in supporting developing countries in that pursuit.
Obeng, P. A., & Agyenim, J. B. (2013). Climate change adaptation: Institutional approaches for developing countries. In Climate Change Management (pp. 185–203). Springer.
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