Recent advancement in micro-electronic technology makes the development of quadrotor fully possible. This paper elaborates on the complete designing process of a quadrotor control platform. Firstly a hardware structure with a microcontroller and embedded sensors is reported. Then through the implementation of a linear complementary filter, the real-time attitude estimation of the quadrotor is realized. Furthermore, aiming at the outdoor environment navigation, a barometer and a Global Positioning System (GPS) are also integrated within this platform. A multisensory data fusion algorithm is then proposed to combine these sensors for the outdoor navigation. Finally, a group of PID controllers are designed to stabilize the attitude and position. The experiment results demonstrate the capability of this platform to navigate autonomously through user-defined waypoints.
Fang, J., Ye, X., Dong, W., Sheng, X., & Zhu, X. (2016). Navigation and control for an unmanned aerial vehicle. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (Vol. 9834 LNCS, pp. 373–383). Springer Verlag.
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