Enhanced protocols for CT slice thickness on clinical target volume for 3D radiation therapy

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Radiation Therapy is used to treat the cancer diseases by ionization of radiations. From the beginning the aim of radiation therapy is to cure the cancer without any side effects. Tumour location and type, geometric accuracy and involvement in anatomic area affect the output of radiation therapy in which the amount of radiation dose is given. The tumour is controlled by production of high dosage of radiation. The amount of dosage is limited by possibility of damage of normal tissue. To control the amount of dose, for three dimensional radiation therapy computed tomography (CT) slice thickness is proposed in this paper. This paper defines the changes of CTV (clinical target volume) using various computed tomography slice thickness on three dimensional radiation therapy. For all computed tomography datasets, planning of three dimensional treatments is achieved.




Anjaneyulu, B., & Bhavanisankar, A. (2019). Enhanced protocols for CT slice thickness on clinical target volume for 3D radiation therapy. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(12), 1365–1370. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.L3928.1081219

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