ABSTRAKDalam dunia pendidikan, school bullying merupakan salah satu masalah sosial yang cukup memprihatinkan karena terjadi hampir disemua tingkat kelas dan diseluruh dunia. Banyak faktor internal maupun eksternal yang berkontribusi pada school bullying. Pemahaman atas hak-hak anak serta implementasinya dalam Sekolah Ramah Anak merupakan salah satu solusinya. Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan dan modelling tentang Sekolah Ramah Anak. Diharapkan para peserta memiliki landasan konseptual yang komprehensif tentang Sekolah Ramah Anak dan dapat mengimplementasikannya di sekolah masing-masing. Pelatihan dan modelling dilaksanakan melalui aplikasi Zoom, Schoology dan Whatsapp. Setelah pelaksanaan pelatihan, para peserta memiliki pemahaman dasar konseptual yang lebih komprehensif tentang Konvensi Hak-Hak Anak dan implementasinya dalam Sekolah Ramah Anak. Sehingga, mereka mampu berimaji membuat rancangan program implementasi Sekolah Ramah Anak di sekolah masing-masing. Kata kunci: hak-hak anak; sekolah ramah anak; student well-being. ABSTRACTIn the education world, school bullying represents a social problem that needs excellent attention because it occurs in almost all grade levels across the globe. Many internal and external factors contribute to school bullying. Understanding children's rights and their implementation in Child-Friendly Schools is one of the solutions for the problem. This community service aims to provide training and modelling on Child-Friendly Schools. It is hoped that the participants gain a comprehensive conceptual foundation on Child-Friendly Schools and implement it in their institutions. Training and modelling are carried out through the Zoom, Schoology and Whatsapp applications. The result of the activity indicated that the participants had a more comprehensive conceptual, basic understanding of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its implementation in Child-Friendly Schools. In addition, they could design programs to implement Child-Friendly Schools in their institution. Keywords: children's rights; child-friendly schools; student well-being.
Fauziati, E., Suharyanto, S., Nurcholis, I., & Santriane, A. (2021). PELATIHAN DAN MODELLING IMPLEMENTASI SEKOLAH RAMAH ANAK BAGI GURU- GURU SEKOLAH MENENGAH ATAS. SELAPARANG Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan, 5(1), 1017. https://doi.org/10.31764/jpmb.v5i1.6760
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