AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengetahui kegiatan penjualan, struktur biaya, dan efisiensi biaya pedagang buah impor di Kelurahan Handil Bakti Kabupaten Barito Kuala. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode sensus dengan jumlah 10 orang responden. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif dan finansial. Ada 6 orang pedagang berjualan di toko dan ada 4 orang pedagang berjualan menggunakan mobil pick up. Struktur biaya yang dikeluarkan pedagang buah impor adalah sewa lahan, penyusutan alat, pembelian kantong plastik, pembelian buah impor, biaya listrik, biaya perawatan mobil pick up, tenaga kerja dalam keluarga, biaya keamanan dan kebersihan. Total biaya rata-rata pedagang buah impor yang berjualan di toko sebesar Rp 13.491.037 dan total biaya rata-rata pedagang yang berjualan di mobil pick up sebesar Rp 17.439.977, penerimaan rata-rata pedagang buah yang berjualan di toko sebesar Rp 20.010.000 dan penerimaan rata-rata pedagang yang berjualan di mobil pick up Rp 27.173.500, pendapatan rata-rata pedagang buah impor yang berjualan di toko sebesar Rp 7.488.630 dan pendapatan rata-rata pedagang yang berjualan di mobil pick up sebesar Rp 9.918.523, keuntungan rata- rata pedagang yang berjualan di toko sebesar Rp 6.519.296,7 dan keuntungan rata-rata pedagang yang berjualan di mobil pick up sebesar Rp 9.733.523.Kata Kunci: pedagang buah impor, struktur biaya, pendapatanAbstractThis study aims to determine the sales activity, cost structure, and cost efficiency of imported fruit traders in Handil Bakti Village, Barito Kuala Regency. The research method used is the census method with a total of 10 respondents. The analytical method used is to use descriptive and financial analysis methods. There were 6 traders selling at the shop and there were 4 traders selling using a pick up car. The cost structure incurred by imported fruit traders is land rent, depreciation of tools, purchase of plastic bags, purchase of imported fruit, consumption, electricity costs, maintenance costs for pick-up cars, labor in the family, security and cleaning costs. The average total cost of imported fruit traders selling in stores is IDR 13,491,037 and the average total cost of traders selling in pick-up cars is IDR 17,439,977, the average income of fruit traders selling in stores is IDR 20,010. 000 and the average income of traders selling in pick-up cars is IDR 27,173,500, the average income of imported fruit traders selling in shops is IDR 7,488,630 and the average income of traders selling in pick-up cars is IDR 9,918. 523, the average profit of traders selling in shops is IDR 6,519,296.7 and the average profit of traders selling in pick-up cars is IDR 9,733,523.Keywords: imported fruit traders, cost structure, income
Agustina, A., Hidayat, M. I., & Ifada, I. I. (2021). Struktur Biaya Pedagang Buah Impor Di Kelurahan Handil Bakti Kabupaten Barito Kuala. Agricore: Jurnal Agribisnis Dan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Unpad, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.24198/agricore.v6i1.33583
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