Latar belakang: Kader pos pelayanan terpadu (posyandu) balita berperan memantau tumbuh kembang balita. Kemampuan kader dalam melakukan pengukuran antropometri, yaitu: panjang/tinggi badan, berat badan, lingkar kepala dan lingkar lengan atas mempengaruhi deteksi dini masalah tumbuh kembang balita. Tujuan: Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan sertifikat ketrampilan antropometri pada kader posyandu balita. Metode: Peserta sejumlah 10 orang kader posyandu di Kelurahan Pendrikan Kidul, Kecamatan Semarang Tengah. Kegiatan sertifikasi melalui tahap pre-test dilanjutkan pelatihan dan diakhiri dengan posttest melalui observasi praktik dan studi kasus. Pelatihan dilakukan oleh dosen bersama mahasiswa untuk membantu memantau dan mendampingi kader saat praktik mandiri dari kasus yang diberikan. Penilaian Pre dan posttest antropometri diukur dalam 9 aktivitas dengan 37 indikator kemampuan. Hasil: Hasil Pretest menunjukkan bahwa semua kader telah terampil dalam dua aktivitas yaitu: mengukur panjang badan dan lingkar kepala bayi, sedangkan tujuh aktivitas lainnya belum semua indikator terpenuhi. Hasil posttest menunjukkan bahwa semua kader telah terampil di 9 aktivitas dan berhak mendapat sertifikat dari Forum Posyandu Kota Semarang. Kesimpulan: Semua kader telah terampil dalam melaksanakan 37 indikator ketrampilan antropometri. Sertifikasi ketrampilan antropometri ini dapat menjadi salah satu solusi untuk menilai kemampuan kader dalam deteksi dini masalah tumbuh kembang balita. Kata kunci: antropometri, kader, posyandu __________________________________________________________________________________________ Abstract Background: Cadres of Integrated service posts for toddlers (posyandu balita) play a role in monitoring the growth and development of toddlers. The ability of cadres to take anthropometric measurements, i.e.: length/height and weight, accurately affect the early detection of toddler growth and development problems. Objective: This activity aims to provide anthropometric competency certificates to cadres. Method: Participants were ten cadres in the Pendrikan Kidul Village, Central Semarang District. Certification activities go through the pretest stage, followed by training, and end with the post-test. The observation and case studies carried on to measure the pretest and post-test. Lecturers and students train to help monitor and accompany cadres when they practice independently of the cases given. Pre and post-test through observation of anthropometric abilities on nine activities with 37 competency indicators. Result: Pretest results showed that all cadres were skilled in two activities, namely: measuring the baby's body length and head circumference, while the other seven activities had yet to meet all the indicators. At the same time, the post-test results showed that all cadres were skilled in nine activities and entitled to receive a certificate from the Semarang City Posyandu Forum. Conclusion: The results of the activity illustrate that there is an increase in anthropometric skills in cadres after the training. This anthropometric skill certification can be one of the solutions to assess the competence of the cadres. Keywords: anthropometric, cadres, posyandu
Rimawati, E., Setyawati, V. A. V., Iqbal, M., Nurmandhani, R., Diyanto, D., & Pradana, F. K. (2023). Sertifikasi Ketrampilan Antropometri Kader Posyandu Di Kota Semarang. JURNAL INOVASI DAN PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT INDONESIA, 2(2), 35–40.
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