Multi level Authentication for secure Attendance System

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Multi level Authentication means authentication of user at different levels. Attendance system concerns with taking students attendance, with complete efficiency and awareness, this all used to happen in a very conventional way, wherein there were more chances of discrepancy in records. Authentication is a major concern as safety is a priority which proves the validity of the user, when designing a software which stores large amounts of data and which has already existed in the past, and has certain loopholes. To fill these loopholes and to make this process more reliable Multi Level Authentication is used. Multi-Factor Authentication used here have three phases, starting with Login credentials which goes unique even if students share their credentials with their peers their peers won’t be able to login using their phones as IMEI was stored initially during the time of registration. This code is stored in the database without the knowledge of the student. We have the next phase which is OTP generation which is secured using RSA sent to the registered mobile number that is very unique as the OTP is sent only to the registered mobile number. The last phase which ensures the presence of student in the class is QR code scanning, where in a student scans QR code shared by the teacher in the class . After scanning the QR code the attendance gets stored in the database. The purpose of this Attendance system is to overcome the drawbacks of the already existing conventional way which includes marking attendance manually which was a time taking process. By introducing this attendance system using multi level authentication we have established a more advanced, more efficient and more secure unlike conventional attendance system. Multi level authentication can be used in various application where security of the assets is the main concern.




Chauhan*, A., Khosla, S., … Sahni, S. (2020). Multi level Authentication for secure Attendance System. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(6), 4216–4220.

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