Brazilian Society of Rheumatology 2020 guidelines for psoriatic arthritis

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Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic and systemic immune disease characterized by inflammation of peripheral and/or axial joints and entheses in patients with psoriasis (PsO). Extra-articular and extracutaneous manifestations and numerous comorbidities can also be present. These recommendations replace the previous version published in May 2013. A systematic review of the literature retrieved 191 articles that were used to formulate 12 recommendations in response to 12 clinical questions, divided into 4 sections: diagnosis, non-pharmacological treatment, conventional drug therapy and biologic therapy. These guidelines provide evidence-based information on the clinical management for PsA patients. For each recommendation, the level of evidence (highest available), degree of strength (Oxford) and degree of expert agreement (interrater reliability) are reported.




Carneiro, S., Palominos, P. E., Anti, S. M. A., Assad, R. L., Gonçalves, R. S. G., Chiereghin, A., … Campanholo, C. B. (2021, December 1). Brazilian Society of Rheumatology 2020 guidelines for psoriatic arthritis. Advances in Rheumatology. BioMed Central Ltd.

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