A computer vision system is implemented to detect errors in the cutting stage within the manufacturing process of garments in the textile industry. It provides solution to errors within the process that cannot be easily detected by any employee, in addition to significantly increase the speed of quality review. In the textile industry as in many others, quality control is required in manufactured products and this has been carried out manually by means of visual inspection by employees over the years. For this reason, the objective of this project is to design a quality control system using computer vision to identify errors in the cutting stage within the garment manufacturing process to increase the productivity of textile processes by reducing costs.
Moreno, J. J., Aguila, A., Partida, E., Martinez, C. L., Morales, O., & Tejeida, R. (2017). System of error detection in the manufacture of garments using artificial vision. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 272). Institute of Physics Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/272/1/012014
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