The possibility of using the apiproducts of the larval origin from the drone larvae in the production of functional foodstuff, such as bakery, confectionery and honey products enriched with high-grade protein, biologically active high-functional substances and complexes that gave them therapeutic and prophylactic, and immune-modulating properties is substantiated in the paper. The recipes for the functional foodstuffs, such as the "Bilar-api" bread, "Pchelka" api-dragee, "Bilar" api-honney, "Bilar" api-honney with bee glue (propolis), enriched with apiproduct from the drone larvae have been developed. To impart an immune-modulating and functional effect to the products, the "Bilar" api-product with a high content of SH-groups, decenoic acids, vitamins, as well as flower pollen, honey, and bee glue in the form of a water-alcohol extract have been used. Preference for these substances has been given because phenolic compounds with P-vitamin activity, unsaturated compounds of isoprene nature, have antioxidant, and fungicidal impacts. They are manifested in their ability to protect the body from the destructive effect of various damaging factors (ionizing radiation, free oxidation radicals, reactive oxygen species, etc.). The "Bilar" powder has a major content of high-grade protein (50-51%), which contains all essential amino acids, and on lysine, tryptophan and histidine exceeds the level of ideal protein on the FAO/WHO scale by almost two times, on the fatty acid composition practically corresponds to the formula of balanced nutrition, vitamins, and decenoic acids (7.9%), as well as sulfhydryl compounds (1160.1 mg/%). Decenoic acid has pronounced antibiotic properties and antitumor effect, exerting an inhibitory effect on the malignant tumors. New functional food products were manufactured on the basis of traditional production technologies using sparing technological regimes and with utilization of apiproducts (the "Bilar" powder, pollen, etc.). Based on the results of the comprehensive study, the increase in the quality and quantity indicators of functional foodstuffs in comparison with control, the increase in biological and nutritional value, as well as improved organoleptic and physics and chemical parameters have been established.
Prokhoda, I. A., Eliseeva, E. V., Katunina, N. P., Stratienko, E. N., Kukhareva, O. V., & Tseeva, F. N. (2019). Creating functional foodstuffs from high-technological larval raw materials. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 274). Institute of Physics Publishing.
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