The chapter intends to radicalise a research agenda that explores the link between the knowledge-intensive economy, education and geopolitics. With the increasing significance of this type of post-Fordist economy not only higher education but equally further education has increased in importance. In this contribution, I seek to explore the enabling conditions of corporate education, examining the extent to which companies are able to create their own home-made corporate education. My contribution is divided into three parts. Firstly, I will set the stage by outlining the increasing importance of MNCs as part of globalisation and the complex relationship between geopolitics and geoeconomics in this context. I will then move on to discuss an analytical framework that makes it possible to explore the degree of autonomy MNCs have to create their own education and training. Against this backdrop, I will, thirdly, summarise some important findings of the pilot study I conducted where I explored the degree of internationalisation of corporate education that ranges from initial vocational education to leadership training of the top management. In each case, I explore the enabling conditions of, as well as restrictions on, the companies’ attempt to harmonise their firm-based education throughout the entire corporation with its branches in different parts of the world. I will reflect on the geopolitical and geoeconomic implications in each case, with a view to developing a new research agenda.
Hartmann, E. (2022). The Internationalisation of Further Education: Between Geoeconomics and Geopolitics. In Educational Governance Research (Vol. 17, pp. 179–198). Springer Science and Business Media B.V.
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