Berdasarkan UU No 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan Pernikahan harus dicatatkan dan menurut agama masing-masing. Dalam agama Islam pernikahan harus memenuhi syarat dan rukun nikah baru dikatakan sah. Praktiknya, di Kabupaten Aceh Besar pernikahan ada melalui jasa qadhi liar. Permasalahan pokok penelitian ini yaitu: sejauh mana terjadinya pernikahan melalui qadhi liar dan bagaimana akibat hukumnya dan yang menjadi faktor penyebab terjadinya pernikahan melalui qadhi liar. Hasil penelitian sejauh ini di wilayah hokum Kabupaten Aceh Besar terjadi pasangan menikah melalui qadhi liar, dan telah ke Mahkamah Syar’iyah untuk melakukan istbat dan ditolak. Akibat hukum pernikahan melalui qadhi liar tidak sah. Faktor penyebab pernikahan melalui qadhi liar di wilayah hokum Kabupaten Aceh Besar yaitu: faktor ekonomi, faktor hamil diluar nikah, kurangnya pemahaman dan kesadaran masyarakat tentang pencatatan pernikahan, berselingkuh yang berkepanjangan, tidak mendapatkan izin untuk melakukan poligami, tidak memiliki wali, menghindari prosedur administrasi, untuk menghindari perzinahan, dan konflik Aceh. Kepada lembaga terkait untuk melakukan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat dan menindak tegas oknum-oknum yang memberikan jasa qadhi liar dan jangan memberikan celah hukum pelaku qadhi dan pasangan yang melakukan pernikahan menggunakan jasa qadhi liar. Pursuant to the Act Number 1, 1974 regarding Marriage, marriage must be recorded and conducted through its own religion. In Islamic law the marriage must fulfill requirements and conditions of marriage in order to be said valid. . In practice, in Aceh Besar District there are marriages conducted through the auspices of illegal marital authority. The problems of this research are to which extent the marriage through the illegal holder in Aceh Besar District region and how the legal consequence and what are the factors causing the marriage that is held by illegal holder. The research shows that nowadays in Aceh Besar District territories has been found the marriages conducted by illegal marriage register who are getting married through non-appointed officials, and there are cases which has been tried by MahkamahSyar’iyah (Special Court for Muslim in Aceh Province) to hold the remarriage as the previous one is not based on administrative procedures and it is rejected. The legal consequence from the marriage is not valid. Factors causing the marriage by illegal holders are in Aceh Besar are economy, pre marital pregnancy, lack of understanding and people awareness regarding marriage registration, long lasting infidelity, then has no license for polygamous marriage, has no guardian, avoid administrative procedures, avoid coverture and armed conflict area of Aceh. It is recommended that the related institutions to increase publications on the legal consequence of marriage conducted under the auspices of illegal holders and enforce law for them and no loop hole for them and for couples seeking the service as the aim of the marriage is mistaken by the law.
Juita, R., Muhammad, R. A., & Jauhari, I. (2017). Kajian Yuridis Pernikahan Melalui Qadhi Liar (Studi Penelitian di Kabupaten Aceh Besar). Syiah Kuala Law Journal, 1(2), 102–122.
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