Nr2e1 regulates retinal lamination and the development of Müller glia, S-cones, and glycineric amacrine cells during retinogenesis

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Background: Nr2e1 is a nuclear receptor crucial for neural stem cell proliferation and maintenance. In the retina, lack of Nr2e1 results in premature neurogenesis, aberrant blood vessel formation and dystrophy. However, the specific role of Nr2e1 in the development of different retinal cell types and its cell-autonomous and non-cell autonomous function(s) during eye development are poorly understood. Results: Here, we studied the retinas of P7 and P21 Nr2e1 frc/frc mice and Nr2e1 +/+ 虠 Nr2e1 frc/frc chimeras. We hypothesized that Nr2e1 differentially regulates the development of various retinal cell types, and thus the cellular composition of Nr2e1 frc/frc retinas does not simply reflect an overrepresentation of cells born early and underrepresentation of cells born later as a consequence of premature neurogenesis. In agreement with our hypothesis, lack of Nr2e1 resulted in increased numbers of glycinergic amacrine cells with no apparent increase in other amacrine sub-types, normal numbers of Müller glia, the last cell-type to be generated, and increased numbers of Nr2e1 frc/frc S-cones in chimeras. Furthermore, Nr2e1 frc/frc Müller glia were mispositioned in the retina and misexpressed the ganglion cell-specific transcription factor Brn3a. Nr2e1 frc/frc retinas also displayed lamination defects including an ectopic neuropil forming an additional inner plexiform layer. In chimeric mice, retinal thickness was rescued by 34 % of wild-type cells and Nr2e1 frc/frc dystrophy-related phenotypes were no longer evident. However, the formation of an ectopic neuropil, misexpression of Brn3a in Müller glia, and abnormal cell numbers in the inner and outer nuclear layers at P7 were not rescued by wild-type cells. Conclusions: Together, these results show that Nr2e1, in addition to having a role in preventing premature cell cycle exit, participates in several other developmental processes during retinogenesis including neurite organization in the inner retina and development of glycinergic amacrine cells, S-cones, and Müller glia. Nr2e1 also regulates various aspects of Müller glia differentiation cell-autonomously. However, Nr2e1 does not have a cell-autonomous role in preventing retinal dystrophy. Thus, Nr2e1 regulates processes involved in neurite development and terminal retinal cell differentiation.


  • Table 1 Characteristics of the chimeras
  • Figure 1 Reduced retinal thickness and blood vessel numbers of Nr2e1frc/frc retinas were rescued in Wt↔frc chimeras. a The blood vessel number of each chimera was assessed by funduscopy. Scatter plot showed normal blood vessel numbers in chimeric retinas containing up to 45 % Nr2e1frc/frc cells. n= 9 for Wt↔Wt, n= 9 for Wt↔frc. b Retinal thickness in each chimera was measured in 3 sections; a central section containing the optic nerve, and two sections 60 μm away in both directions. Scatter plot showed normal retinal thickness in chimeric retinas containing up to 66 % Nr2e1frc/frc cells. n= 8 for Wt↔Wt, n= 9 for Wt↔frc; *, Z-score≤−3; error bars represent SEM
  • Figure 2 Nr2e1frc/frc-Müller-glia misexpression of GFAP and retinal structural defects were rescued in Wt↔frc chimeras. Transverse retinal sections from P21 mice were immunostained for GFAP (red). a GFAP was observed in the GCL of wild-type and Nr2e1frc/frc retinas but also in the processes of Müller glia in Nr2e1frc/frc retinas (arrow). b Nr2e1frc/frc retinas had abnormal INL intrusions into the ONL (asterisk). c A Wt↔frc chimera with 86 % Nr2e1frc/frc cells (EGFP positive, green) showed absence of GFAP expression in Müller cells and absence of INL intrusions into the ONL. GCL, ganglion cell layer; INL, inner nuclear layer; ONL, outer nuclear layer; Hoechst, nuclear counterstain (blue); scale bar = 50 μm. n = 9 for Wt↔Wt, n = 10 for Wt↔frc
  • Figure 3 Nr2e1frc/frc P7 retinas had reduced numbers of ganglion cells that were rescued in Wt↔frc chimeras. Transverse retinal sections from P7 Nr2e1+/+, Nr2e1frc/frc, and chimeric mice were immunostained for Brn3a (ganglion cells). a Nr2e1frc/frc retinas had less Brn3a positive cells (green)in the GCL and misexpressed Brn3a in cells ofthe ventral INL that resembled Müller glia b Magnification of the rectangle in A showing Brn3anuclear staining in some GCL cell nuclei (arrow heads) and cytoplasmic projectionsresembling Müller glia end-feet c Ganglion cells were counted throughout five sections across the retina of Nr2e1+/+ and Nr2e1frc/frc mice. Numbers were normalized to retinal length and expressed as percentages of Nr2e1+/+ cell numbers. Reduced numbers of ganglion cells were observed in Nr2e1-mutant retinas compared to wild type (63 % decrease). d In Wt↔Wt and Wt↔frc chimeras, the density of EGFP positive (green) ganglion cells (arrows), appeared similar to the density of EGFP negative ganglion cells. Representative images of a 71 % Wt↔Wt and a 58 % Wt↔frc chimeric retina are shown. Brn3a positive cells were mislocalized in the IPL (arrowheads) and INL of Wt↔frc retinas. e Quantification of the density of ganglion cells that were derived from host blastocyst or ESCs in chimeras was assessed by counting single-labeled cells (Brn3a positive and EGFP negative) or double-labeled cells (Brn3a positive and EGFP positive) and dividing them by the EGFP negative or EGFP positive retinal area (ONL + INL), respectively. The density of Nr2e1frc/frc ganglion cells (EGFP positive) was similar to the density of wild-type ganglion cells (EGFP negative) in Wt↔frc chimeras. n= 3 for Nr2e1+/+, n= 3 for Nr2e1frc/frc, n= 3 for Wt↔Wt, n= 3 for Wt↔frc;*, P≤ 0.05; ns, not significant; error bars represent SEM. GCL, ganglion cell layer; Hoechst, nuclear counterstain (blue); INL, inner nuclear layer; neg., negative; ONL, outer nuclear layer; pos., positive; scale bar = 50 μm
  • Figure 4 Nr2e1frc/frc P7 retinas had increased numbers of glycinergic amacrine cells. Transverse retinal sections from P7 Nr2e1+/+ and Nr2e1frc/frc mice were immunostained for the pan-amacrine markers Pax-6 and syntaxin-1A, and the subclass markers Islet-1/2, GABA, calretinin, and glycine transporter 1 (GlyT1). a Retinal section showing amacrine cells immunostained with Pax-6 (red) and syntaxin-1A (green). Nr2e1frc/frc retinas had more Pax-6 and syntaxin-1A positive cells than wild-type retinas, and these cells occupied the majority of the INL. An ectopic plexiform layer (EPL) is also indicated (open arrow). Magnification of the Pax-6 (red) and syntaxin-1A (green) staining is shown for a region of b Nr2e1+/+ or c Nr2e1frc/frc retina (rectangle). d-f Neither (d) Islet-1/2 positive (green) (arrows), (e) GABA positive (red), or (f) calretinin positive amacrine cells appeared increased in Nr2e1-mutant retinas. g In contrast, GlyT1 positive amacrine cells appeared increased in the INL of Nr2e1-mutant retinas. EPL (open arrow). h Amacrine cells were counted in the GCL throughout five sections across the retina of Nr2e1+/+ and Nr2e1frc/frc mice. Numbers were normalized to retinal length and expressed as percentages of Nr2e1+/+ cell numbers. Increased numbers of amacrine cells (assessed as Pax6 positive minus Brn3a positive) were observed in the GCL of Nr2e1-mutant retinas compared to wild type (45 % increase). n = 3 for Nr2e1+/+, n = 3 for Nr2e1frc/frc; *, P≤ 0.05; error bars represent SEM. EPL, ectopic plexiform layer; GCL, ganglion cell layer; Hoechst, nuclear counterstain (blue); INL, inner nuclear layer; scale bar = 50 μm in all images except for B where it represents 12.5 μm
  • Figure 5 Increased numbers of Nr2e1frc/frc amacrine cells were not rescued in P7 Wt↔frc chimeras. Chimeric eyes were immunostained for the pan-amacrine marker Pax-6. a In Wt↔Wt chimeras, the density of EGFP positive (green) amacrine cells appeared similar to the density of EGFP negative amacrine cells. In Wt↔frc chimeras, the density of amacrine cells that were EGFP positive (green) appeared higher than the density of EGFP negative amacrine cells. Representative images of a 29 % Wt↔Wt and a 58 % Wt↔frc chimeric retina are shown. The arrow shows a region with high numbers of mutant cells (EGFP positive) where amacrine cells (Pax-6 positive) are overrepresented. b,c Quantification of the density of amacrine cells that were derived from host blastocyst or ESCs in chimeras was assessed by counting single-labeled cells (Pax-6 positive and EGFP negative) or double-labeled cells (Pax-6 positive and EGFP positive) and dividing them by the EGFP negative or EGFP positive retinal area (ONL + INL), respectively. Cell counts were performed in both the INL and the GCL. In the INL, large and round nuclei adjacent to the OPL, presumably belonging to horizontal cells, were excluded from counting. Amacrine numbers in the GCL were obtained by subtracting Brn3a positive ganglion cells from the total Pax-6 positive cells in this layer. In Wt↔frc chimeras, the density of Nr2e1frc/frc amacrine cells (EGFP positive) was (b) higher (49 % increase) than the density of wild-type amacrine cells in the INL but was (c) similar to wild type in the GCL. n= 3 for Wt↔Wt, n= 3 for Wt↔frc; *, P≤ 0.05; ns, not significant; error bars represent SEM; GCL, ganglion cell layer; Hoechst, nuclear counterstain (blue); INL, inner nuclear layer; neg., negative; pos., positive; scale bar = 50 μm
  • Figure 6 Nr2e1frc/frc retinas had normal numbers of horizontal, cone, and Müller glia cells. Transverse retinal sections from P7 and P21 Nr2e1+/+ and Nr2e1frc/frc mice were immunostained for calbindin (horizontal cells, adjacent to the ONL), arrestin (cones), and SOX-9 (Müller glia). a-c P7 retinal sections showing (a) horizontal cells in green, (b) cones in red, and (c) Müller glia in green. d,e Each retinal cell type was counted throughout five sections across the retina of (d) P7 or (e) P21 Nr2e1+/+ and Nr2e1frc/frc mice. Numbers were normalized to retinal length and expressed as percentages of Nr2e1+/+ cell numbers. Normal numbers of horizontal, cone, and Müller glia cells were observed in Nr2e1-mutant retinas compared to wild type at both time-points. n=3 for Nr2e1+/+, n=3 for Nr2e1frc/frc; *, P≤ 0.05; ns, not significant; error bars represent SEM. GCL, ganglion cell layer; INL, inner nuclear layer; ONL, outer nuclear layer; scale bar = 50 μm
  • Figure 7 Nr2e1frc/frc S-cones were overrepresented in Wt↔frc chimeras. Transverse retinal sections from P7 Nr2e1+/+, Nr2e1frc/frc, and chimeric mice were immunostained for S opsin (S-cones). a Retinal sections showing S-cones labeled with S Opsin (red). b To assess differences in S-cones numbers between wild-type and Nr2e1-mutant retinas, S opsin positive cells were counted throughout five sections across the retina of P7 Nr2e1+/+ and Nr2e1frc/ frc mice. Numbers were normalized to retinal length and expressed as percentages of Nr2e1+/+ cell numbers. There was no significant difference between the numbers of S opsin positive cells in wild-type and Nr2e1-mutant retinas. c Retinal sections of chimeras showing S opsin in red. The density of Nr2e1frc/frc S opsin positive cells appeared higher in Nr2e1-mutant regions (EGFP positive) compared to wild-type regions. The arrows show a region with Nr2e1-mutant cells and a high density of S-cones. Representative images of a 50 % Wt↔Wt and a 39 % Wt↔frc chimeric retina are shown. d Quantification of the density of S-cone cells that were derived from host blastocyst or ESCs in chimeras was assessed by counting single-labeled cells (S opsin positive and EGFP negative) or double-labeled cells (S opsin positive and EGFP positive) and dividing them by the EGFP negative or EGFP positive retinal area (ONL + INL), respectively. In Wt↔Wt chimeras, the density of EGFP positive and EGFP negative S-cone cells was similar while in Wt↔frc chimeras the density of Nr2e1frc/frc S-cone cells (EGFP positive) was higher (48 % increase) than the density of wild-type S-cone cells (EGFP negative). n = 3 for Nr2e1+/+, n = 3 for Nr2e1frc/frc, n = 3 for Wt↔Wt, n = 3 for Wt↔frc; *, P≤ 0.05; neg., negative;ns, not significant; error bars represent SEM. GCL, ganglion cell layer; Hoechst, nuclear counterstain (blue); INL, inner nuclear layer; ONL, outer nuclear layer; pos., positive; scale bar = 50 μm

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Corso-Díaz, X., & Simpson, E. M. (2015). Nr2e1 regulates retinal lamination and the development of Müller glia, S-cones, and glycineric amacrine cells during retinogenesis. Molecular Brain, 8(1).

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