World Health Organization (WHO) recommends mothers to give exclusive breastfeeding to infants for six months. Although breastfeeding has many benefits, the scope of exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia is still low. Tajinan is the district with the lowest percentage of exclusive breastfeeding in Malang. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship of internal mother factors, husband support, family support and health workers' support with exclusive breastfeeding in the Randugading village. The design of this study was descriptive correlation, using fisher exact test and multiple regression analysis. The samples were selected using purposive sampling and total sampling to 39 mothers. The results showed that there were associations but it wasn't any significant associations between the internal mother factors, including education p = 0.402, knowledge p = 0992 and mothers' attitude p = 0.404 with exclusive breastfeeding in the Randugading village. While there were positive significance associated between husband support p = 0.000, family support p = 0.000 and health workers' support p = 0.000 with exclusive breastfeeding in the Randugading village. The internal mother factors, husband support, family support and health workers' support p = 0.000 simultaneously had positive significance associated with exclusive breastfeeding in the Randugading village. The determining coefficient was 0,894 which means that correlation was very strong (0.80-1.00). The conclution is there areassociations but itsn't any significant associations between the internal mother factors, including education, knowledge and mothers' attitude with exclusive breastfeeding in the Randugading village. While there are positive significance associate between husband support, family support and health workers' support with exclusive breastfeeding in the Randugading village. The internal mother factors, husband support, family support and health workers' support simultaneously have positive significance associate with exclusive breastfeeding in the Randugading village. Keywords: internal mother factors, husband support, family support, health workers support, exclusive breastfeeding ABSTRAK World Health Organization (WHO) merekomendasikan pemberian ASI eksklusif pada bayi selama enam bulan. Walaupun ASI memiliki banyak manfaat, tetapi cakupan ASI eksklusif di Indonesia masih rendah. Kecamatan Tajinan merupakan Kecamatan dengan prosentase ASI eksklusif terendah di Kabupaten Malang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor internal ibu, dukungan suami, dukungan keluarga dan dukungan petugas kesehatan dengan pemberian asi ekslusif di Desa Randugading. Desain penelitian ini adalah korelasi deskriptif menggunakan uji fisher dan analisis regresi berganda. Pemilihan sampel menggunakan metode
Putri, R. … Milasari, M. (2017). Faktor Yang Berhubungan dengan Pemberian Asi Eksklusif di Desa Randuagung Kecamatan Tajinan Kabupaten Malang. Journal Of Issues In Midwifery, 1(2), 32–41.
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