Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor- faktor yang mempengaruhi profitabilitas dengan CAR, NIM, LDR dan BOPO sebagai variabel endogen, ROE sebagai variabel eksogen dan NPL sebagai variabel intervening. Alat analisis pada penelitjian ini adalah software AMOS 24. Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah bank umum yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia dan mempublikasikan laporan keuangannya periode 2015- 2017.34 bank umum yang menjadi populasi penelitian ini, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa CAR, BOPO berpengaruh signifikan terhadap ROE dan NIM, LDR tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap ROE. CAR, LDR BOPO berpengaruh signifikan terhadap ROE dengan NPL sebagai variabel intervening dan NIM tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap ROE dengan NPL sebagai variabel intervening. Semakin tinggi nilai CAR dan NIM maka akan semakin tinggi nilai profitabilitas (ROE) dan sebaliknya semakin rendah nilai LDR dan BOPO maka semakin rendah profitabilitas (ROE).Kata kunci: CAR (Capital Adequacy Ratio), NPL (Non Performing Loan), NIM (Net Interest Margin), LDR (Loan to Deposit Ratio) BOPO (Beban Operasional terhadap Pendapatan Operasional) dan ROE (Return On Equity).The purpose of this research is to examine the factors take effect on Bank Profitability by CAR, NIM, LDR and BOPO as endogenous variable, ROE as exogenous variable and NPL as intervening variable. The analytical of this resereach is software AMOS 24. The samples are public bank at The Indonesian Stock Exchange that have complete financial report and have been published in 2015-2017. Public bank at The Indonesian Stock Exchange that is still exist during observation period in 2015-2017. Population that is used in this research is 34 banks in Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2015-2017. The result of research showed that endogenous variable CAR and BOPO has significant effect partially on ROE, NIM and LDR has not significant effect partially on ROE. CAR, NIM and BOPO has significant effect partially on ROE with NPL as intervening variable and LDR has not significant effect partially on ROE with NPL as intervening variable. The firm that has higher score of CAR and NIM will gain higher profitability (ROE) whereas if it has higher score of LDR and BOPO, the profitability (ROE) will be lower.Key words: CAR (Capital Adequacy Ratio), NPL (Non Performing Loan), NIM (Net Interest Margin), LDR (Loan to Deposit Ratio) BOPO and ROE (Return On Equity).
Dewi, N. V. (2020). FAKTOR- FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI PROFITABILITAS PERBANKAN (Studi Kasus pada Bank Umum yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2015 –2017). Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen (JIMMU), 4(2), 223.
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