Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan strategi penciptaan komunitas peduli dengan pendekatan komprehensif di sekolah dasar. Jenis penelitian adalah analisis konten inferensial. Prosedur penelitian yang dilakukan mencakupi pengadaan dan reduksi data. Sumber data berupa empat artikel jurnal yang memiliki fokus penelitian yang sama. Unit data menggunakan unit fisik dengan sampel unit berupa konteks tentang caring classroom sebagai bentuk implementasi Child Development Project (CDP) yang dipublikasikan pada tahun 1990-1996 dan diakses melalui Google Scholar. Teknik analisis data dilakukan secara kualitatif menggunakan peta kognitif, yaitu mencari kesesuaian pemikiran penulis artikel jurnal tentang strategi penciptaan komunitas peduli pada tahun tersebut dengan realitas saat sekarang. Semua data diringkas, dipahami, diinterpretasikan, diinferensikan, dan ditemukan pola hubungan dengan situasi terkini tentang fenomena kepedulian siswa SD. Penelitian ini menggunakan validitas semantis dan reliabilitas stabilitas (konsistensi). Konstruk analitis dibangun menggunakan teori kognitif dan afektif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komunitas peduli di sekolah dasar diciptakan menggunakan beberapa strategi, yaitu: (1) menciptakan hubungan asuh yang peduli; (2) mengajarkan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan; (3) menghormati motivasi intrinsik, dan (4) mengajarkan untuk memahami. Strategi tersebut dapat berjalan efektif dengan melibatkan peran dan tanggung jawab administrator, guru, konselor, orang tua, dan masyarakat secara komprehensif. CREATION STRATEGY OF CARING COMMUNITIES USING COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS This study aims to describe the strategy of creating caring communities with a comprehensive approach in elementary school. The type of this research was inferential content analysis. The research procedures carried out include the procurement and reduction of data. The data sources were four journal articles that have the same research focus. The data unit used physical units with a sample unit in the form of context about caring classroom as a form of implementation of the Child Development Project (CDP) which was published in 1990-1996 and accessed through Google Scholar. The data analysis technique was carried out qualitatively using a cognitive map, which seeks to match the thinking of journal articles writers about the strategy of creating caring communities in that year with current realities. namely looking for the suitability of the thoughts of the authors of journal articles about the strategy of creating a caring community in that year with the current reality. All data were summarized, understood, interpreted, referenced, and found patterns of relationships with the current situation regarding elementary school students' concern phenomena. This study used semantic validity and stability reliability (consistency). Analytical constructs were built using cognitive and affective theory. The results show that the caring community in primary school was created using the following strategies: (1) creating the caring nurturing relationships; (2) teaching human values; (3) respecting intrinsic motivation; and (4) teaching to understand. The strategy can be effectively by involving the roles and responsibilities of administrators, teachers, counselors, parents, and the community comprehensively.
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