Iklim tropis lembab di Indonesia menyebabkan rendahnya kecepatan angin, serta kelembapan dan suhu udara yang tinggi. Kelembapan tinggi menyebabkan sirkulasi udara tidak lancar dan berpengaruh pada kenyamanan termal. Masjid adalah bangunan untuk kegiatan ibadah, yang menuntut kenyamanan termal, selain kenyamanan audial. Upaya alat bantu penghawaan seperti kipas angin tidak akan bekerja optimal jika masjid tidak memiliki sistem sirkulasi udara yang baik. Masjid Al-Kautsar Kertonatan menarik untuk diteliti dari aspek penghawaan alami. Masjid berada di sudut pertigaan jalan kampung dan menghadap area persawahan. Saat masjid digunakan seluruh kipas angin dinyalakan, namun keluhan jamaah selalu muncul yaitu ketidaknyamanan termal, seperti rasa panas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kualitas termal masjid Al-Kautsar Kertonatan, melalui metode kuantitatif pengukuran suhu udara, kelembapan udara dan kecepatan angin dengan alat thermohygrometer dan anemometer. Pengukuran termal dilakukan di dalam dan di luar ruang masjid secara bersamaan pada lima waktu salat. Selain pengukuran termal, dilakukan pula wawancara bebas kepada jamaah terkait kenyamanan termal. Hasil penelitian mengindikasikan pola aliran udara tidak merata dan tidak lancar di dalam ruangan, sehingga kualitas termal dalam kategori tidak nyaman dengan suhu udara rata-rata 31.0°C dan kecepatan angin rata-rata 0.1m/detik. Evaluasi subjektif mengindikasikan bahwa jamaah merasa nyaman apabila berada dekat jendela atau berada di tengah-tengah ruang, karena pada bagian itu aliran udara terasa. Solusi terbaik agar aliran merata di dalam ruang adalah redesain bukaan agar udara lebih banyak masuk, di samping itu perlu adanya penambahan vegetasi. MOSQUE THERMAL COMFORT STRATEGY (CASE STUDY OF AL-KAUTSAR MOSQUE, SUKOHARJO, CENTRAL JAVA) Indonesia's humid tropical climate causes low wind speed, as well as high humidity and air temperature. High humidity causes poor air circulation and affects thermal comfort. A mosque is a building for worship activities, which demands thermal comfort, in addition to audible comfort. Efforts for ventilation aids such as fans will not work optimally if the mosque does not have a good air circulation system. Al-Kautsar Kertonatan Mosque is interesting to study from the aspect of natural ventilation. The mosque is at the corner of the village road fork and overlooks the rice fields. When the mosque is used, all the fans are turned on, but complaints from the congregation always arise, namely thermal discomfort, such as feeling hot. This study aims to identify the thermal quality of the Al-Kautsar Kertonatan Mosque, through quantitative methods of measuring air temperature, humidity, and wind speed using thermohygrometer and anemometer. Thermal measurements are carried out inside and outside the mosque space simultaneously at five prayer times. In addition to thermal measurements, freed interviews were also conducted with the congregation regarding thermal comfort. The results indicate that the airflow pattern is not evenly distributed and not smooth so that the thermal quality is in the uncomfortable category with an average air temperature of 31.0°C and an average wind speed of 0.1m/second. The subjective evaluation indicated that pilgrims felt comfortable when they were near the window or in the middle of the room because in that part the airflow was felt. The best solution so that the flow is evenly distributed in the room is to redesign the opening to allow more air to enter, in addition to the need for additional vegetation.
Syamsiyah, N. R., & Nur Izzati, H. (2021). STRATEGI KENYAMANAN TERMAL MASJID AL-KAUTSAR KERTONATAN, KARTASURA, SUKOHARJO. LANGKAU BETANG: JURNAL ARSITEKTUR, 8(2), 98. https://doi.org/10.26418/lantang.v8i2.45792
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