S chaefer V. H., 1981: A te st of th e possible red u ctio n of th e digging ac tiv ity of m oles in p astu re s by increasin g soil n itrogen. A cta th erio l., 26, 7: 118—123 [With 2 Tables]. The level of n itro g e n fe rtiliz e r (140 kg N /ha) w as found in th is stu d y to reduce soil pH and the w eights of ea rth w o rm s (Lumbricus rubel-lus) in the laboratory. N itrogen fertilizer (70 kg N /ha; 140 kg N /ha), Was applied to p a stu re s in an a tte m p t to red u ce the d en sities of m olehills of th e Coast Mole (Scapanus orarius) in B ritish C olum bia. No red u ctio n in m olehill densities occurred w ith th e fertilizer tr e a t m ents, possibly because soil and w e a th e r conditions in te rfe re d w ith th e acidifying ab ility of the fertilizer.
Schaefer, V. H. (1981). A test of the possible reduction of the digging activity of moles in pastures by increasing soil nitrogen. Acta Theriologica, 26, 118–123. https://doi.org/10.4098/at.arch.81-9
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