The VIP Collaboration is performing high precision tests of the Pauli Exclusion Principle for electrons in the extremely low cosmic background environment of the Underground Gran Sasso Laboratories of INFN (Italy). The experimental technique consists in introducing a DC current in a copper conductor, searching for Kα PEP-forbidden atomic transitions when the K shell is already occupied by two electrons. VIP set an upper limit on the PEP-violation probability12β2 <4.7 × 10−29. The aim of the upgraded VIP-2 experiment is to improve this result at least by two orders of magnitude. The improved experimental setup and the results of a preliminary data analysis, corresponding to the the first run of the VIP-2 data taking (2016–2017), will be presented.
Piscicchia, K., Pichler, A., Amirkhani, A., Bartalucci, S., Bertolucci, S., Bazzi, M., … Curceanu, C. (2020). Testing the Pauli exclusion principle in the cosmic silence. In Acta Physica Polonica B (Vol. 51, pp. 97–102). Jagellonian University.
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