The first evidence for ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphism in the Eastern Alps is reported from kyanite eclogites of the Pohorje Mountains in Slovenia. Polycrystalline quartz inclusions surrounded by radial fractures in garnet, omphacite, and kyanite are interpreted to be pseudomorphs after coesite. Abundant quartz rods and needles in omphacite indicate an exsolution from a preexisting supersilicic clinopyroxene that contained a Ca-Eskola component. Geothermobarometry on the mineral assemblage garnet + omphacite + kyanite + phengite + quartz/or coesite yields peak pressure and temperature conditions of 3.0-3.1 GPa and 760°-825°C, well within the stability field of coesite, thus supporting the microtextural evidence for UHP metamorphism. This records the highest-pressure conditions of Eo-Alpine metamorphism during the Cretaceous orogeny in the Alps, implying a very deep subduction of the continental crust to at least 90-100 km depths. The new data are evidence for a regional southeastward increase of peak pressures in the Lower Central Austroalpine, indicating a south- to eastward dip of the subduction zone. Subduction was intracontinental; northwestern parts of the Austroalpine (Lower Central Austroalpine) were subducted under southeastern parts (Upper Central Austroalpine). The subduction zone formed in the Early Cretaceous in the northwestern foreland of the Meliata suture after Late Jurassic closure of the Meliata Ocean and the resulting collision, by a forward subduction shift to a Permian rift. Copyright 2004 by the American Geophysical Union.
Janák, M., Froitzheim, N., Lupták, B., Vrabec, M., & Ravna, E. J. K. (2004). First evidence for ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism of eclogites in Pohorje, Slovenia: Tracing deep continental subduction in the Eastern Alps. Tectonics, 23(5).
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