ABSTRAK Latar belakang: Kelelahan kerja merupakan respons tubuh tiap individu terhadap stress psikososial yang dialami dalam satu waktu tertentu. Kelelahan kerja tidak hanya berupa kelelahan fisik dan psikis, namun berkaitan dengan penurunan kinerja fisik perasaan lelah, penurunan motivasi, dan penurunan produktivitas kerja. Kelelahan dapat disebabkan karena faktor circadian rhythm, lingkungan, intensitas dan lama kerja fisik dan mental, problem fisik, kenyerian dan kondisi kesehatan, dan nutrisi. Pekerja pada unit spinning 1 bagian ring frame sub bagian doving PT. APAC INTI CORPORA memiliki risiko mengalami kelelahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis hubungan antara ritme circadian dan kebisingan dengan fatigue (kelelahan) kerja pada pekerja.Metode: Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan menggunakan studi cross-sectional. Sampel adalah seluruh populasi yang berjumlah 45 pekerja pada unit spinning 1 bagian ring frame sub bagian doving dengan pekerjaan yaitu memanen hasil pemintalan benang. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini adalah lembar kuesioner baku kualitas tidur untuk variabel ritme circadian dan kesioner baku IFRC untuk variabel terikat kelelahan serta lembar observasi untuk pengukuran kebisingan dengan alat sound level meter.Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pekerja yang mengalami fatigue (kelelahan) tingkat sedang sebanyak 64.4%. Responden dengan gangguan ritme circadian sebanyak 91.1% dan hasil pengukuran kebisingan tertinggi ialah 94 Db. Hasil analisis chi-square menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara ritme circadian (p = 0.009 ) dan kebisingan (p = 0.025) dengan fatigue. Tidak terdapat hubungan antara usia (p = 0.544) dan riwayat penyakit (p = 0.577) dan masa kerja (0.399%).Simpulan: Terdapat hubungan antara ritme circadian dan kebisingan terhadap Fatigue (kelelahan) pada pekerja, dan tidak terdapat hubungan antara usia, riwayat penyakit dan masa kerja terhadap Fatigue (kelelahan) pada pekerja di Unit Spinning 1 Bagian Ring Frame Sub.Bagian Doving, PT. APAC INTI CORPORA Kata kunci: Kelelahan , ritme circadian, kebisingan.ABSTRACT Title: Relationship of Circadian Rhythm and Noise to Fatigue in PT APAC INTI CORPORA Workers (Case study carried out in Spinning Unit 1 Ring Frame Sub Part Doving Section) Background: Work fatigue is the response of the body of each individual to psychosocial stress experienced in a certain time. Work exhaustion is not only physical and psychological fatigue, but is related to a decrease in physical performance feeling tired, decreased motivation, and decreased work productivity. Fatigue can be caused by circadian rhythm factors, environment, intensity and duration of physical and mental work, physical problems, health and health conditions, and nutrition. Workers on spinning unit 1 part of ring frame sub section doving PT. APAC INTI CORPORA has the risk of experiencing fatigue. This study aims to analyze the relationship between circadian rhythm and noise with work fatigue inworkers. Method: The type of research used is quantitative by using a cross-sectional study. The sample is the entire population of 45 workers in the spinning unit 1 part of the frame of the doving sub-section with the work of harvesting the spinning yarn. The instruments in this study were the sleep quality standard questionnaire sheet for the circadian rhythm variable and the IFRC standard questionnaire for the fatigue-dependent variable and the observation sheet for noise measurement with a sound level meter. The instruments in this study were the sleep quality standard questionnaire sheet for the circadian rhythm variable and the IFRC standard questionnaire for the fatigue-dependent variable and the observation sheet for noise measurement with a sound level meter.Result: The results of the chi-square analysis showed that there was a relationship between circadian rhythm (p = 0.009) and noise (p = 0.025) with fatigue. There was no relationship between age (p = 0.544) and history of sickness (p = 0.577) and working hours (0.399). Based on the results of the study, the company is advised to pay attention to the noise level in the work environment and conduct noise control both in noise sources, administratively and directly to workers through the use of personal protective equipment (PPE).Conclusion: There is a relationship between circadian rhythm and noise on Fatigue (fatigue) of workers, and there is no relationship between age, history of illness and working period of Fatigue (fatigue) of workers in Spinning Unit 1 Ring Frame Sub Section. Doving Section, PT. APAC INTI CORPORA Keywords: Fatigue, circadian rhythm, noise
Sari, V. S. I., Setyaningsih, Y., & Suroto, S. (2020). Hubungan Ritme Circadian dan Kebisingan terhadap Fatigue pada Pekerja PT APAC Inti Corpora (Studi kasus dilaksanakan pada Unit Spinning 1 Bagian Ring Frame Sub.Bagian Doving). MEDIA KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT INDONESIA, 19(2), 116–120. https://doi.org/10.14710/mkmi.19.2.116-120
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