abstract Problem of bringing religious officials and proposals of solution. Our age is age of knowledge and technology. While scientific, especially technologic developments providing important and multiple facilities in the human life, another side it is the source of new problems which giving meaningless. Human living today is experiencing significant trouble and depression with religious belief and life. It is important that to be understood and explained religion truely in rescuing spiritual trouble and unrest. Religious officials have been significant missions and responsibilities in explaning religion truely. Researches to be carried out religious officials reflect that there have been problems in bringing out religious officials. This research discuss program draft which were prepared on bringing out religious officials. Giriþ Çaðýmýz bilgi ve teknoloji çaðýdýr. Bilimsel ve teknolojik geliþmeler bir taraf-tan insan hayatýna çeþitli ve önemli kolaylýklar saðlarken, bir taraftan da insan hayatýný zorlaþtýran yeni problemlere kaynaklýk etmektedir. Ýnsanlýk bu hýzlý geliþme ve deðiþmelerin dinamiði içerisinde ciddi bunalýmlara düþ-mekte, hayatla özellikle de dini inanç ve yaþayýþla ilgili yeni arayýþlara yö-nelmektedir.
Ramazan, B. (2006). Türkiye’de Din Görevlisi Yetiştirme Problemi ve Çözüm Önerileri. Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 47(2), 1. https://doi.org/10.1501/ilhfak_0000000061
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