Biomagnetic stimulation is a treatment uses the application of magnetic field principle for a therapeutic purpose. This non-invasive therapeutic technique use low frequency electromagnetic field which is less than 10 MHz. In transcranial application, electromagnetic field is use to stimulate the brain tissue for the people affected by weaken neurologic and psychiatric disorders. This paper discusses the modelling and simulation of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation using Comsol Multiphysics software. In this research four designs have been simulated. The overall analysis indicates that a single coil design has the best performance in stimulating the area of interest at the frequency of 5MHz.
Ghafar, N. S. A., Zakaria, Z., Noor, A. M., Fook, C. Y., Norali, A. N., Bakar, A. H. A., … Muji, S. Z. M. (2019). A Study of Biomagnetic Stimulation for Transcranial Application. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1372). Institute of Physics Publishing.
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