The nlirsing service manciger is responsible and acco~infrthle for qifilnlit). niirsin,? service tncinLfilgernent to facilitr~re optimal rittciinment ofthe gocils/objectives and outcomes within the context and scope of health service delive13; ($the heoltk care orgemisation. Qrmliv nursing service management needs to he evaliinted against LI set ofstnnclnrds in this regard. Str~nclords jbr nnlrrsing service ,nanagement werefi~miilated in 1987, revised andp~iblished in 1992, tested/iiti/ised and exposed tojifilrther rejinement/revision in 1999. The purpose of this research itllzs tlzerefore to revise existink: izlirsing .service stantlnrdr and tkis >vos achieved by merins of an exploratory ancl descriptive longitudinal research design over rfil period qf 12 yecirs, It is recommended that these sfrincl~irds be as a se(fevn11mtion insfr~iment by nursing service managers and tlzat the qualify of numing service mrinrrgemenf in South African healtlz sen'ices be evnkrated agrrinst these stanrinrds. OPSOMMING Die verpleegdier~sbest~i~ircier is ver~mtivoordelik en annspreeklik vir gelzalfe-verpleegdiensbest~~~ir om optimale hereiking van doeli.vitte/doelstellings en ~filitkomste hinne die konteks en omvang vaiz gesondlzeirlsdienslewring in 'n gesondheiclsdiens te fasiliteel: Die gehnlte van behoort aan
Muller, M. (2000). Nursing service management standards. Health SA Gesondheid, 5(4).
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