Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan Media Pembelajaran Video Animasi Ujang Entis dalam upaya meningkatkan hasil belajar IPA materi Kalor, Tema 6 Panas dan Perpindahannya, Subtema 2 perpindahan Kalor di Sekitar kita. Subjek penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SD Negeri 1 Sindangraja pada siswa kelas V dengan teknik analisis data statistik deskriptif. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode Research and Development dengan model 4D/4P (Pendefinisian, Perancangan, Pengembangan, dan Penyebaran). Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, angket validasi dan uji pengembangan, serta tes. Berikut hasil penilaian angket validasi: Ahli media dengan perolehan hasil skor 46/50, serta skor rata-rata 4.6/5 dengan kriteria kelayakan media 92% Sangat Baik (layak), ahli materi dengan perolehan hasil skor 18/20, serta skor rata-rata 4.5/5 dengan kriteria kelayakan media 90% Sangat Baik (layak), ahli bahasa dengan perolehan hasil skor 19/20, serta skor rata-rata 4.75/5 dengan kriteria kelayakan media 95% Sangat Baik (layak), serta hasil penilaian dari guru dengan perolehan hasil skor 83/85, serta skor rata-rata 4.88/5 dengan kriteria kelayakan media 97.64% Sangat Baik (layak). Sementara itu hasil penilaian siswa melalui uji coba kelompok kecil yang melibatkan 5 siswa kelas V SD Negeri Bojonggaok dengan perolehan hasil skor 208/225, serta skor rata-rata 41.6/45 dengan kriteria kualitas media 92.44% Sangat Baik (layak), dan uji coba kelompok besar yang melibatkan 10 siswa kelas V SD Negeri 2 Condong dengan perolehan hasil skor 426/450, serta skor rata-rata 42.6/45 dengan kriteria kualitas media 94.66% Sangat Baik (layak). Berdasarkan hasil uji penelitian di SD Negeri 1 Sindangaraja pada kelas eksperimen dengan berbantuan menggunakan media pembelajaran video animasi Ujang Entis (episode 1 dan episode 2) telah mengalami kenaikan atau memenuhi dan melampaui dari KKM 67 dengan perolehan nilai rata-rata 92.74% atau kategori Efektif. Sehingga dengan ini media pembelajaran video animasi Ujang Entis dapat dikatakan layak digunakan untuk guru maupun siswa sebagai alat bantu menyampaikan serta memahami materi Perpindahan Kalor di Sekitar Kita (tema 6 - subtema 2) kelas V sekolah dasar khususnya di SD Negeri 1 Sindangraja. This study aims to determine the application of Ujang Entis Animation Video Learning Media in an effort to improve science learning outcomes for heat material, Theme 6 Heat and its Transfer, Sub-theme 2 Heat transfer around us. The subject of this research was carried out at SD Negeri 1 Sindangraja in fifth grade students with descriptive statistical data analysis techniques. The method used is the Research and Development method with the 4D/4P model (Definition, Design, Development, and Deployment). Data was collected by means of interviews, validation questionnaires and development tests, as well as tests. Following are the results of the validation questionnaire assessment: Media experts with a score of 46/50, and an average score of 4.6/5 with media eligibility criteria of 92% Very Good (decent), material experts with a score of 18 /20, and an average score of 4.5/5 with media eligibility criteria of 90% Very Good (decent), linguists with a score of 19/20, and an average score of 4.75/5 with the media eligibility criteria of 95% Very Good (decent), as well as the results of the teacher's assessment with a score of 83/85, and an average score of 4.88/5 with media eligibility criteria of 97.64% Very Good (worthy). Meanwhile, the results of student assessment through small group trials involving 5 fifth grade students of SD Negeri Bojonggaok with a score of 208/225, and an average score of 41.6/45 with media quality criteria of 92.44% Very Good (feasible), and a large group trial involving 10 fifth grade students of SD Negeri 2 Condong with a score of 426/450, and an average score of 42.6/45 with media quality criteria of 94.66% Very Good (feasible). Based on the results of research tests at SD Negeri 1 Sindangaraja in the experimental class with the help of Ujang Entis animation video learning media (episode 1 and episode 2), there has been an increase or meet and exceed the KKM 67 with an average score 92.74% or the Effective category. Afterall, Ujang Entis animated video learning media fair to be said worthy to be used by teachers and for students as a tool to convey and understand the material Heat Transfer Around Us (theme 6 - sub-theme 2) grade V elementary schools, especially at SD Negeri 1 Sindangraja.
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