In the present study, an electrospinning procedure was carried out in order to develop a simple and effective tool for fabricating gelatin/bioactive glass (Gt/BG) nanofibers with a controllable and predictable fiber diameter. For this purpose, a quadratic model was obtained within the context of response surface methodology based on a three-level, three-variable Box–Behnken design technique to describe the relationship between the fiber diameter and the electrospinning parameters, namely BG content, tip-to-collector distance, and flow rate. Meanwhile, the quality of fit of the model was evaluated by the coefficients of determination (R-square) and the analysis of variances. Moreover, the adequacy of the model was examined by conducting additional experiments that were not employed in the model generation
Gönen, S. Ö., Ertürk, B., Tüccar, E., Erol Taygun, M., & Küçükbayrak, S. (2015). ELEKTROSPİNNİNG PARAMETRELERİNİN JELATİN/BİYOAKTİF CAM NANOLİF YAPISI ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİLERİNİN İNCELENMESİ. Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology-A Applied Sciences and Engineering, 16(2), 135.
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