INTRODUCTION Patient safety is one of the key aspects of healthcare quality and a serious global public health concern. Patient safety culture is a part of the patient safety concept. In Slovenia, primary care is easily accessible, and for medical care, it serves as a gatekeeper to hospital care. For several years, the quality and safety at the primary healthcare level have been the focus of several studies. The present study aimed to assess patient safety culture among all employees of the Community Health Centre Ljubljana. METHODS We conducted a cross-sectional study in 2017 using the Slovene version of "Medical Office Survey on Patient Safety Culture" from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Mean percent positive scores on all items in each composite were calculated according to a user guide. RESULTS The final sample contained 1021 participants (67.8% response rate), of which 909 (89.0%) were women. The mean age of the sample was 43.0±11.0 years. The dimensions most highly rated by the respondents were: teamwork and patient care tracking/follow-up. The lowest scores came from leadership support for patients' safety and work pressure and pace. CONCLUSION Patient safety culture in the Community Health Centre Ljubljana is high, but there are certain areas of patient safety that need to be evaluated further and improved. Our study revealed differences between professions, indicating that a customized approach per profession group might contribute to the successful implementation of safety strategies. Patient safety culture should be studied at national levels. UVOD Varnost pacientov je eden ključnih vidikov kakovosti zdravstvenega varstva in globalno javno zdravje zanjo resno skrbi. Del koncepta je tudi kultura varnosti pacientov. V Sloveniji je primarna raven lahko dostopna in služi kot vrata v sekundarno in terciarno zdravstveno raven in oskrbo. Že več let sta kakovost in varnost na primarni ravni zdravstvenega varstva v središču več raziskav. Namen te študije je bil oceniti kulturo varnosti pacientov v Zdravstvenem domu Ljubljana. METODE V letu 2017 smo izvedli presečno raziskavo z slovenske različice “Medical Office Survey on Patient Safety Culture” Agencije za raziskave in kakovost zdravstvenega varstva. V skladu z navodili za uporabo smo izračunali povprečne deleže pozitivnih ocen za vsak dimenzijo varnosti. REZULTATI Končni vzorec je vseboval 1.021 zaposlenih (67,8-odstotna odzivnost), od tega je bilo 909 (89,0 %) žensk. Povprečna starost vzorca je bila 43,0 ±11,0 let. Najbolje ocenjeni dimenziji varnosti sta bili timsko delo in skrb za paciente. Najnižje ocene so izhajale iz podpore vodstva in delovnih obremenitev. ZAKLJUČEK Trenutna kultura varnosti pacientov v Zdravstvenem domu Ljubljana je visoka, vendar obstajajo nekatera področja, ki jih je treba dodatno ovrednotiti in izboljšati. Naša raziskava je razkrila razlike med poklici, kar kaže, da lahko prilagojen pristop prispeva k uspešnemu izvajanju varnostnih strategij. Preučiti je treba kulturo varnosti pacientov na državni ravni.
Tevžič, Š., Poplas-Susič, A., & Klemenc-Ketiš, Z. (2021). The safety culture of the Ljubljana community health centre’s employees. Slovenian Journal of Public Health, 60(3), 145–151.
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