Abstrak Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi gliserol dan ekstrak daun beluntas, serta mengetahui kombinasi konsentrasi gliserol dan ekstrak daun beluntas yang tepat untuk menghasilkan edible film antibakteri yang memiliki kualitas mekanik dan daya hambat yang tepat. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok 2 faktor dimana faktor 1 konsentrasi gliserol (8%, 10% dan 20%) dan faktor 2, ekstrak daun beluntas (20%, 25%, dan 30%) yang diulang 2 kali. Pengamatan kualitas mekanik (kuat tarik, elongasi, laju transmisi uap air, kecerahan, dan ketebalan) dan daya hambat. Data yang diperoleh diolah dengan analisa ragam (ANOVA), jika ada beda nyata dilanjut uji BNT 5%. Edible film terbaik pada pelakuan kombinasi penambahan konsentrasi gliserol 8% dan penambahan konsentrasi ekstrak daun beluntas 20% dengan kuat tarik 9,35 N/cm 2 ; elongasi 13,34 %; laju transmisi uap air 3.60x10-6 g/cm 2 /24 jam; kecerahan 65,15; ketebalan 0,045 mm dan daya hambat 5,92 mm. Pengujian pada fillet ikan nila menunjukkan bahwa edible film belum dapat melindungi fillet ikan nila yang telah ditentukan dalam SNI 7388:2009. Kata kunci: antibakteri, edible film, ekstrak daun beluntas, gliserol Abstract The aim of this research is to know the effect of glycerol concentration and beluntas leaves extract and the combination of glycerol concentration and the right beluntas leaves extract to produce an antibacterial edible film having precise mechanical and inhibitory properties. The study used a Randomized Block Design of 2 factors, which the factor 1 concentration of glycerol (8%, 10% and 20%) and factor 2, beluntas leaves extract (20%, 25%, and 30%) were repeated 2 times. Mechanical quality observation (tensile strength, elongation, moisture transmission rate, brightness, and thickness) and inhibitory power. The data obtained were processed by analysis of variance (ANOVA), if there is real difference then continued BNT 5% test. Edible film is best in combination treatment of 8% glycerol concentration addition and addition of extract leaves extract of beluntas 20% with tensile strength 9.35 N / cm2; Elongation 13.34%; Water vapor transmission rate 3.60x10-6 g/cm 2 /24 hours; Brightness 65.15; Thickness of 0.045 mm and 5.92 mm inhibition. Tests on tilapia fillets show that edible films have not been able to protect the tilapia fillets specified in SNI 7388: 2009.
Febrianto Mulyadi, A., Hindun Pulungan, M., & Qayyum, N. (2016). Producing of Cornstarch Edible film and Antibacterial Activity Test (The Study of Glycerol Concentration and Beluntas Leaves Extract (Pluchea Indica L.)). Industria: Jurnal Teknologi Dan Manajemen Agroindustri, 5(3), 149–158. https://doi.org/10.21776/ub.industria.2016.005.03.5
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