Written by Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar Negeri Selangor, this book is about the guide to farming quail. In Malaysia, quail and quail eggs have begun to be known since the 1960s, but the development of this industry is relatively wet. After decades of recession now the quail eggs and eggs are increasingly popular popping up part of the country’s meat and egg market space. Growth in the quail industry is increasingly positive, especially for broccoli meat where its demand is higher than Malaysia’s quail farm production. Quail breeders are still in small scale. Many consider this breeding difficult to reach commercial level. Most breeders practice traditional farming methods. The supply of quail is very limited, and the source of the child uses a reproductive system of rotational methods in which the child replaces the parent. This breeding method has long been practiced and found out that the yield and performance of the quail are declining. Farming of quails and layers does not require extensive areas to be used to maximize land use in areas with limited agricultural land. The quail breeding system is also easy and can be managed using only family members and can be used as a family business. It also does not require large start-up capital compared to other poultry farms as well as providing fast and lucrative returns. Originally breeders acquired a supply of quail from male quail breeds isolated at two weeks old and from spawning females or who had passed their spawning age. The use of breeds is limited because of limited production and the price is quite expensive. Starting in 1985, Poultry Breeding Center, Bukit Tengah, Penang and Chicken Development Institute, Johor Bahru was directed by the Head of Veterinary Services, Malaysia to explore the study of quail breeding. In the same year the egg of American Bobwhite and the Coturnix breed of egg breeders have been imported for the study. In 1986, spicy beef eggs were dim ported from France and England for a comparative study of meat and egg production performance. Starting in 1989, Poultry Breeding Center, Bukit Tengah, Penang and Chicken Development Institute, Johor Bahru and followed by Sungai Siput Infoternak Farm, Perak has begun producing quality quail pups and breeds for local breeders. Now the IKTA Quail has been in the market and guaranteed high quality. It is hoped that this breed could appeal to the current status of the industry of quail and current layers, to stimulate the growing of minds in addressing relevant issues and to ensure the continuity and capabilities of the industry in the future. Birds of origin are found in forest areas, farms, drylands or shrubs and from different climates have the same properties that are shy, wild, quick and easy to be surprised. There are some species of famous quail in the world. Among the famous species that have been preserved in captivity are American Bobwhite, Californian Quail, Rail Quail, Chinese Painted Quail and Japanese Quail. Among the groups of quails, the type of Coturnix is the first kind of taming and commercial breeding. In Malaysia, there are two types of commercially-developed quails i.e. broiler quail and quail. The care of quails does not require a large area due to its small size. However, the maintenance requirements are the same as poultry farming. Livestock farms must be in accordance with the law of the State Government and adhere to the rules of the Poultry Enactment and follow the guidelines of good farming practices. Quails need to be kept intact in the bucks all the time.
Iqbal, U. (2018). Panduan Penternakan Burung Puyuh (Malay Version). Open Access Journal of Environmental and Soil Sciences, 1(4). https://doi.org/10.32474/oajess.2018.01.000119
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