Electric power delivers a predicable per condition for the technological, economic and political development of any countries and it is vital for each individual. Power outage is serious problem in Ethiopia at the whole of distribution network. This is due to most interruptions are frequently and much time service restoration, that is why most customers of Ethiopia their day to day activities highly affected and they are strongly complain to Ethiopia electric utility. But this power outage affected the cost of customer and Ethiopian utility. Power system is to provide an adequate and security electrical addressing to its demands as economically as alternative with reasonable level of reliability. Most electrical power distribution system reliability is one of the major issues for the demands. Reliability is the chance that a network or components done their assigned task for a given period of time under the working time stumbled upon during its anticipated lifetime. Most of developing country including Ethiopia electric power distribution network has received considerably less of the attention to reliability designing and evaluation than have generating and transmitting systems. Now a day life is directly or indirectly depends on electric power so that utility should deliver reliable power every day for 24 hours and each year for 8760 hours to satisfy human needs and to perform their works as much as possible with less economy.
Anteneh, D. (2020). Reliability Assessment of Distribution Sys-tem Using Analytical Method: A Case Study of Debre Berhan Distribution Network. Journal of Informatics Electrical and Electronics Engineering (JIEEE), 1(1), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.54060/jieee/001.01.002
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