Fruit grading of garcinia binucao (Batuan) using image processing

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Digital image processing, along with computer vision techniques, can be applied for automatic gradation of batuan fruits based on the quality of the fruit. It can increase the commercial value of the production. This paper presents an automated approach for fruit grading of Batuan fruits. First, it detects the batuan fruit and then after detection, it classifies the grade of the batuan fruit-Immature (light green), Mature (green) or Ripe (yellow). For gradation, we have used the color features and area of the fruit. The average accuracy for batuan fruit grading is up to 98%.




Militante, S. V. (2019). Fruit grading of garcinia binucao (Batuan) using image processing. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 1828–1832.

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