Introduction: Know what customer need in healthcare service is one of important thing for hospital to win competition in competitive era. Importance performance analysis is a method which is show us about two-dimension, importance and performance. IPA tool, it helps hospital leaders and managers to see about their hospital situation and it helps hospital management to analyze about strength and weakness point their hospital and make balance scorecard to achieve hospital strategic plan appropriately. Purpose: To see about using IPA tool and mix it with SWOT and balanced scorecard in develop strategic plan policy at Astrini Hospital Wonogiri Method: we measuring IPA with servperf model five-dimension, tangible, responsiveness, reliability, empathy and safety. Sample of measurement are inpatient patient at Astrini Hospital (25 – 55 years old), and total respondent are fifteen people (n=15), SWOT and Balanced scorecard analysis use in focused group discussion from hospital management based on IPA measurement. Result and discussion: we get four of five dimensions are good and patient is satisfied with hospital performance overall. Tangible dimension is only one with low point (-0,2) and it mean our patient not satisfied with hospital performance. Each dimension, it has some question and it can be hospital leader and manager consideration during analyze SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat) & BSC (balanced score card) to develop a hospital strategic plan. Conclusion: Hospital management is must to know what their patient need and want when they come to hospital to seek medical service. Using IPA, and then mix its with SWOT and balanced scorecard can be consideration for hospital management to analyze existing condition and then analyze hospital strategic plan further. Directly scoring from hospital patient, it can be an indicator is the hospital already give them appropriate medical service what they need and expect from hospital.
Permanajati, A., & Oktavia, E. (2023). Mixing Importance Performance, Swot and Balanced Scorecard Analysis to Develop Strategic Plan at Astrini Hospital Wonogiri. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE AND CLINICAL RESEARCH STUDIES, 03(07), 1366–1372.
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