Chromosomal studies were carried out on Eichhornia crassipes and the taxon was found to have 32 individual chromosomes with a haploid chromosome number of 16 (n = 16), indicating a clear tetraploid genome of 2n = 4x = 32. Chiasmata frequencies per nucleus/bivalent were analyzed at diplotene and diakinesis revealing a marked reduction of chiasmata at diakinesis as compared to diplotene. The very low terminalization value of 0.43 showed that most of the chiasmata were terminalized at diakinesis and metaphase I. Multivalent associations were frequent suggesting the presence of a translocation heterozygote. Univalents were also of a frequent occurrence. Chromatid bridges, fragments, laggards and eliminated chromosomes were also frequent at both MI and MII. Secondary association of chromosomes occurred with a preponderance of four and eight over other groups. The occurrence of secondary associations and other aberrations were suggestive that Eichhornia crassipes is of hybrid origin. Cytological studies of Eichhornia crassipes revealed that chromosome behaviour which includes high frequency of chromatid bridges formed (42.52%), high percentage of univalents (15.24%) and the presence of phragmoplast during microsporogenesis does not influence the prolific behaviour of the plant. © 2013 Academic Journals Inc.
Isa, H., Egbuche, K. C., Malgwi, M. M., & Tukur, N. A. (2013). Cytological studies in Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) solms. American Journal of Plant Physiology, 8(2), 50–62.
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