Abstrak.Remaja putri secara fisiologis akan mengalami menstruasi. Riwayat menstruasi yang dialami remaja berbeda dan dipengaruhi berbagai faktor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui riwayat menstruasi yang dialami remaja putri sebagai calon ibu dari menstruasi pertama sampai akhir, sebagai identifikasi kesehatan reproduksi yang terganggu. Penelitian menggunakan kuesioner dengan jumlah responden 161 orang, teknik pengambilan sampel accidental sample. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan lebih banyak remaja akhir (19-24 tahun) sebanyak 156 orang (96.89%). Dari 156 remaja akhir, 61 (39,10%) berusia 19 tahun. Menstruasi pertama terbanyak 12 tahun sebanyak 61 (37.90 %), namun ada yang menarche pada 16 tahun sebanyak 3 (1.86%) dan usia 17 tahun sebanyak 1 (0.62%). Siklus menstruasi terbanyak 28 hari 87 (54,04%) dan 74 (45,96%) siklus 35 hari. Remaja lebih banyak mengalami menstruasi yang lamanya <2 minggu 157 (97,51%). Namun 4 (2,48%) lamanya ≥ 2 minggu. Keluhan sakit perut berlebihan 85 (52, 80%). Sebanyak 87 (54.04 %) mengalami ketidaknyamanan pada payudara saat menstruasi. Pengeluaran darah menstruasi bercak-bercak 11 (6.83%) dan darah berlebihan terjadi 45 (27.95%). keputihan 100 (62.11%). Kondisi keputihan yang telah mengalami perubahan warna terjadi 41 (41 %). Perubahan emosi sebanyak 133 (82.61%). Saran bagi remaja agar melakukan pencatatan secara rutin riwayat menstruasi dan menjaga kebersihan genetalia selama menstruasi terjadi. Kata kunci : Riwayat, Menstruasi, Remaja, Calon Ibu Descriptive Study of Young Women's Menstrual History As A Mother-To-Be In Pekalongan Region Abstract. Physiologically, young women will experience menstruation. Menstrual history experienced by adolescents is different and is influenced by various factors. This study aims to determine the menstrual history experienced by young women as prospective mothers from the first menstruation to the end, as an identification of impaired reproductive health. The study used a questionnaire with a total of 161 respondents, accidental sample sampling technique. The results showed that more late adolescents (19-24 years) were 156 people (96.89%). Of the 156 late adolescents, 61 (39.10%) were 19 years old. The first menstrual period was 12 years as much as 61 (37.90%), but there were menarche at 16 years as much as 3 (1.86%) and 17 years old as much as 1 (0.62%). The most menstrual cycle was 28 days 87 (54.04%) and 74 (45.96%) cycles of 35 days. Teenagers experienced more menstruation which was <2 weeks 157 (97.51%). However, 4 (2.48%) were ≥ 2 weeks. Complaints of excessive abdominal pain 85 (52, 80%). A total of 87 (54.04%) experienced breast discomfort during menstruation. Menstrual discharge with 11 spots (6.83%) and excessive blood flow occurred 45 (27.95%). 100 (62.11%) vaginal discharge. There were 41 (41%) whitish conditions that had undergone a change in color. Emotional changes were 133 (82.61%). Adolescents are advised to regularly record menstrual history and maintain genetic hygiene during menstruation. Keyword : History, Menstruation, Teenagers, Prospective Mother
Nurlaela, E., & Kartikasari, D. (2020). Studi Deskriptif Riwayat Menstruasi Remaja Putri Sebagai Calon Ibu Di Wilayah Pekalongan. Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan, 13(2), 134–146. https://doi.org/10.48144/jiks.v13i2.263
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