Hasil studi pendahuluan yang dilakukan menunjukkan masih banyak orang tua yang minder dan malu dengan keadaan anak mereka. Selain itu, masih banyak orang tua yang tidak menyekolahkan dan tidak mengetahui informasi terkait terapi untuk anak dengan disabilitas. Jika hal tersebut dibiarkan, maka dapat menyebabkan masalah yang serius, seperti terganggunya tumbuh kembang anak dan kebutuhan keluarga dengan anak disabilitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui gambaran kebutuhan keluarga dengan anak disabilitas di Komunitas Ikatan Keluarga dengan Anak Disabilitas Desa Cimekar Kecamatan Cileunyi Kabupaten Bandung. Penelitian menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif dengan teknik pengambilan sampel total sampling dari 31 keluarga (ayah dan ibu). Kebutuhan keluarga dengan anak disabilitas diukur menggunakan kuesioner Assessment of Family Needs-FNS versi Jepang yang diadopsi dari Bailey dan Simerson (1988). Analisis data menggunakan persentase nilai setiap domain dan rerata skor yang dihitung dengan menggunakan nilai minimal dan maksimal (1-3) dari setiap item pertanyaan dari setiap sub-kebutuhan. Hasil menunjukkan kebutuhan ibu jika diurutkan dari tertinggi ke terendah adalah kebutuhan informasi dan dukungan profesional 71,0%, pelayanan komunitas 64,5%, menjelaskan kepada orang lain 38,7%, kebutuhan finansial 22,6%, perawatan anak 16,1%, dan dukungan keluarga/sosial 12,9%. Kebutuhan ayah dari tertinggi ke terendah yaitu kebutuhan informasi 71,0%, pelayanan komunitas 64,5%, dukungan profesional 61,0%, menjelaskan kepada orang lain 45,2%, kebutuhan finansial 29,0%, perawatan anak 22,6%, dan dukungan keluarga/sosial 19,4%. Kebutuhan informasi merupakan kebutuhan paling dibutuhkan. Sehingga perlu adanya akses informasi yang dibutuhkan untuk mememuhi kebutuhan informasi tersebut. Dengan terpenuhinya kebutuhan informasi orang tua, maka orang tua akan lebih mengetahui cara merawat dan mengembangkan potensi yang dimiliki anak mereka.Kata kunci: Anak disabilitas, kebutuhan keluarga, orang tua. Parents’ Need of Children with DisabilityAbstractThe result of the preliminary study showed that there were parents who felt embarassed with their children’s condition.In addition, there were parents who did not send their children to schools and education and did not know the information related to therapy for children with disabilities. If it was left it could cause serious problems, such as disruption of child growth and the needs of families with children with disabilities. The purpose of this study was to determine the needs of families with disable children in The Association of Families with Disabled Children at Cimekar Village District of Cileunyi Bandung Regency. The research method used was descriptive quantitative with total sampling technique which consisted of 31 families (31 mother and 31 father). The data analysis used was the percentages of the scores of each domain and the average scores calculated by using the minimum and maximum scores (1-3) of each question item of each subneed. The research findings showed that the needs of families with disabled children sorted from the highest to the lowest rate were the needs for information and professional supports had the same percentage 71.0%, the community services were 64.5%, explaining to others was 38.7%, financial needs were 22.6%, child care was 16.1%, and family and social supports were 12.9%. The needs on father from the highest to the lowest rate were that the information was 71.0%, community services were 64.5%, professional support had the same scores 61.0%, explaining to other was 45.2%, finansial needs were 29.0%, child care was 22.6%, and family and social support needs 19.4%. Thus, the needs for information were the most needed in families with disabilities. It is necessary to provide easy information access for the parents in order to fulfill the needs for information. When they are fulfilled, the parents will know more about how to care for their children and develop their children’s potentials.Keywords: Disable children, family needs, parents.
Lestari, S., Yani, D. I., & Nurhidayah, I. (2018). Kebutuhan Orang Tua dengan Anak Disabilitas. Journal of Nursing Care, 1(1), 50. https://doi.org/10.24198/jnc.v1i1.15764
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