We’re pausing Event Registration until the new year

As the Advisor program has evolved into a truly global community, we've been looking at how to improve the digital platforms that support it. Event registration is one area. Advisors around the world register thousands of workshops each year to share Mendeley know-how, and our current platform doesn’t support the volume or the variety of presentations happening in a way that allows the Mendeley Advisor program to be visible and help build a strong community.

As of 26 November we have paused event registrations for a few weeks as we take some time to step back at the end of the year and re-think how events and other activities can be better supported. We plan to offer a new platform that provides you with better resources and support for offering Mendeley training, and that also helps us better understand how you are teaching Mendeley in your community.

What does this mean for events you are planning or have already organized? Please continue! Here's some details to address the questions you may have during this pause.

What happens to my event I already registered? How can I promote my event?

Events already registered for 2022 will be migrated to a new event platform we plan to introduce in the new year. Events taking place in December (and early January) will likely not be migrating, but they should still take place of course! We’ll contact you individually to provide further information about the migration of your event. As always, you can continue to use Mendeley-branded materials to plan and promote your event on your social channels and on flyers around campus:

And don’t forget to share your event outcomes with photos and participant feedback in the Mendeley Advisor Group or at community@mendeley.com. We love to see the faces of happy Mendeley users!

Is the Mendeley merchandise I already requested still coming?

Yes – any existing orders you have placed will be fulfilled.

Can I request merchandise for an event not previously registered?

While we’re on pause, we unfortunately won’t be able to fulfill merchandise for new event requests. If you have a super-special event coming up in January, let us know the details about it – conference name, location, expected attendees, or other aspects that make it significant for showcasing Mendeley to a key audience - we’ll evaluate it and let you know if merchandise support is possible in this instance. As soon as the new platform is live, we’ll announce it and new events will be processed in the new system, including merchandise requests.

Any other concerns or questions? Write to us at community@mendeley.com.

We look forward to launching a new platform in the new year and creating a stronger basis for the Advisor program to flourish in 2022.