Optimization of System Framework for Secure Communication and Data Virtualization on Cloud Computing.

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The consequent deployment of vital infrastructure to provide the secure communication and virtualization not only rectifies the challenges and difficulties but also benefits with saving the process of digitization. With a bang in evolution of cloud computing the uniqueness of every organization affects the virtualization of its information communication technology and applications. The answer for such organizations is to stipulate the precise cloud computing model equivalent to the deliberated and operational goals. This research article emphasized at budding and optimizing a framework for virtual infrastructure and cloud computing model to support the organization stakeholders. Moreover it also improves the cloud security with a protected virtual infrastructure and communication model with better performance. On account of data storage security necessities and distinctiveness of cloud computing environment, a method for secured data & storage based on dynamic allocation and access control mechanism is presented. Dynamic resource allocation is applied for resource utilization that focused on data virtualization and memory virtualization, for protection and access control a modified KPABE algorithm is integrated. The combination of these methods resulting on the optimize resource use, centralizing of storage. The implementation and comparison of results revealed that the proposed modified KP-ABE has performed effectively than the other security standards and especially for resource utilization. The proposed method serves for efficient data storage, access control solutions and computation in cloud environment.




Kayarkar*, N., Kushwaha, U. S., & Richhariya, P. (2020). Optimization of System Framework for Secure Communication and Data Virtualization on Cloud Computing. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(12), 399–405. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.k7840.0991120

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