Multi-level inverter technology has emerged recently as a very important alternative in the area of medium-voltage high-power energy control such as ID and FD fans which runs with the help of these megawatt power drives and renewable energy integration to grid such as solar energy integration which requires pure sinusoidal voltage with less than five percent THD to synchronize to grid. For the requirement of large voltage sources(DC) in number, reduced electromagnetic interference, utilization of power electronic devices having less voltage blocking capability, less percentage of total harmonic distortion in output voltage, reduced stress on insulation they are mostly used. Various topologies are used for multilevel inverters. Among them the most commonly used is cascaded H-bridge (multi-cell). A 3-phase 11-level reduced H-bridge topology is proposed and is controlled by level shift carrier PWM in this paper. The considered topology and controlled algorithm is implemented in MATLAB/SIMULINK. The simulation results show a reduction of THD to a greater extent which will be useful in renewable areas and mega watt power drives.
Pranav, B. V. … Teja, S. R. (2019). 11 level Multilevel Inverter for Medium Voltage High Power ID and FD Fan Drives in Power Plant. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(2), 1138–1141.
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