A Proposed Load Balancing Algorithm Over Cloud Computing (Balanced Throttled)

  • et al.
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Cloud computing refers to the services and applications that are accessible throughout the world from data centers. All services and applications are available online. Virtual machine migration is an important part of virtualization which is considered as essential part in cloud computing environment. Virtual Machine Migration means transferring a running Virtual Machine with all its applications and the operating system state as it is to target destination machine where it continues to run as if nothing happened. It makes balancing between servers. This improves the performance by redistributing the workload among available servers. There are many algorithms of load balancing classified into two types: static load balancing algorithms and dynamic load balancing algorithms. This paper presents the algorithm (Balanced Throttled Load Balancing Algorithm- BTLB). It compares the results of the BTLB with round robin algorithm, AMLB algorithm and throttled load balancing algorithm. The results of these four algorithms would be presented in this paper. The proposed algorithm shows the improvement in response time (75 µs). Cloud analyst simulator is used to evaluate the results. BTLB was developed and tested using Java.




Mohamed, S. Y., Taha, M. H. N., … Harb, H. (2021). A Proposed Load Balancing Algorithm Over Cloud Computing (Balanced Throttled). International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 10(2), 28–33. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.b6101.0710221

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