The consumption of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs are a health and social problems worldwide. According to several studies, abstemious people are a minority population among university students. The objective of this research is to identify clusters of abstemious students and their psycho-socials patterns. Based on information obtained through five psychological questionnaires (Patient health questionnaire PHQ-9, avoidance and action questionnaire AAQ 7, loneliness scale UCLA-R, the satisfaction with life scale SLQ, the Barratt impulsiveness scale BISS-1, and perceived stress scale PSS-10) a cluster analysis was conduct using Sparse K-means algorithm. The sample comprised 510 abstemious college students from three Ecuadorian universities. Two clusters were obtained: satisfaction with life, loneliness, and avoidance and action are the most representative variables contributing to the cluster distribution.
Torres-Carrión, P., Reátegui, R., Bustamante, B., Gordón, J., Boada, M. J., & Ruisoto, P. (2020). Cluster Analysis for Abstemious Characterization Based on Psycho-Social Information. In Communications in Computer and Information Science (Vol. 1194 CCIS, pp. 184–193). Springer.
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