In this article my aim is to examine the «ambiguous» relation body and subject in Erving Goffman's work. The social theory of the symbolic interactionism, in which generally Goffman's work places, manages to think a derived relation of the subjectivity from the body. The dramaturgic approach gives to the body, to the mask and to the outward appearance a founding role in the construction of oneself, and forces us to question the modern conception of the subject as an unitary essence. I will try then to show how at the basis of the relational conception of the self, lies the abandonment of the notion of subject in favour of a never-ending game of masks.
D’angelo, V. (2016). La máscara que luego estoy siguiendo. Sobre la relación entre cuerpo y sujeto en la obra de Erving Goffman. In Daimon (Vol. 2016, pp. 389–398). Universidad de Murcia Servicio de Publicaciones.
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