The work is devoted to the analysis of friendly relations of the VK social network users. The work aims to obtain connected components of the social graph of the social network users, where edges represent friendships between users and nodes represent users. The total population is approximately 54,000 users (intersection of audiences from two professional communities in the field of social media marketing). The following libraries are used in the work: NumPy and Pandas. The author uses a structural approach focusing on the geometric shape of the network. As a result, a group of 168 users with intra-group connections was allocated from the sample of 1,000 users, of which eight users had visited VK 15 or more days before and eight users had visited the VK from 5 to 15 days before.
Plotnikov*, A. V. (2019). Social Network Users and Social Graph Construction. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(2), 1160–1163.
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