Impact of social advertisement towards health and hygeine

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Our Indian society is plagued with numerous social problems, such as illiteracy, dowry harassment, child abuse, female feticide, poor sanitation, malnutrition, casteism etc. From time immemorial many great philosophers, social reformers, activists and leaders have been trying to solve these social problems in their own perceived ways. Social Advertisements are a powerful tool for social change. Social advertising is about applying marketing and advertising principles to promote health and other social issues and bringing about positive behavioral change. Social advertising sells a behavioral change to a targeted group of individuals, making them accept a new behavior, reject a potential behavior, modify a current behavior and abandon an old behavior. In fact the state and central governments have been spending significant amounts of money on social advertising but the impact of such advertisements has not been studied in a systematic way. Hence a systematic study was undertaken across the length and breadth of Ananthapur district of Andhra Pradesh which included identifying target groups, distributing questionnaires, collecting data from the respondents and statistically analyzing the data to make the inference.

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Kumar, G. V. (2019). Impact of social advertisement towards health and hygeine. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(3), 7056–7061.

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