This research explores the function of Customer Service (CS) in Third-Party Logistics (3PL) companies and their efficiency levels. Many 3PL companies rely on the performance of its CS department as the windows of contact between external customers and internal customers. Despite the critical function of CS in 3PL companies, less attention is given on the development and progress of the CS area. Poor CS performance leads to miscommunication among internal departments, suppliers and worst its customers. This situation, if prolonged, will give a high toll in operations cost and the company’s reputation in the industry. While companies with excellent CS team retain, more extended customers’ relationship and support derived from reliable services and trust experienced by customers with less additional or unexpected operations cost occurrence. The first objective of this study is to identify the factors influencing the CS efficiency and the second objective determined the level of efficiency of CS in 3PL companies. A thorough archival data were compiled and observed from previous studies conducted in this field. Interviews were conducted with selective respondents from 3PL companies located in Johor Bahru to measure CS efficiency. The findings of this research revealed each companies’ CS team performance and recommended areas for future improvements.
Abdullah, R., Razi, M. A., Taib, M. Y. M., Abdullah, M., & Daud, M. S. M. (2019). Customer services and its efficiency level of 3rd party logistics companies. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(12), 5624–5629.
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