Abrasive Wear Behaviour of Plasma Sprayed Al2O3 / TiO2 Coatings

  • et al.
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Premature failure due to abrasive wear is observed in high powered engine in recent decades, despite of stringent maintenance procedures comparative to older engine. Plasma spray coatings are recurrently used to circumvent the abrasive wear in aerospace, defense and certain automotive applications like piston pump, cylinder bore etc. This work is to identify the most influencing wear parameters namely sliding speed (SS), applied load (AL) and sliding distance (SD) of the composite coated steel. Initially the surface morphology and elemental analysis was carried out to analyze the surface roughness and homogeneous distribution of the composites. Furthermore wear analyzes results indicates that the composite coating has high wear resistance and specific wear rates are ranging from 0.52346 × 10-5 m3 / N-m to 3.25711× 10-5 m3 / N-m.




T*, Arunkumar. … M, Anish. (2019). Abrasive Wear Behaviour of Plasma Sprayed Al2O3 / TiO2 Coatings. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(2), 5020–5023. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.b7604.129219

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