Smart healthcare system

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Now a days, monitoring of various health parameters of patient at hospitals has become a widespread phenomenon. People are losing their lives in unanticipated way with heart attack by not finding symptoms of it before happening. We can decrease such unanticipated death rates by implementing the project named Patient Health Monitoring System. In this project we will design a system which monitors the patient health parameters like body temperature, heartbeat, blood pressure and so on by using Internet of Things (IoT). IoT is where data collection is done through various devices like sensors and data will be stored in Cloud where we can extract and analyze the data faster with efficiency by making interaction among them. The proposed technique screens the essential health parameters and transmits the information through a wireless communication which is additionally moved to a network by means of a wifi module. The information can be obtained anytime advancing the reception of the present status of the patient. The doctors, just as the caretaker are intimated quickly through a message service or an audio signaling device at the time of abrupt conditions or any sick indications. Moreover, complexity level, power consumption of our design System is low and is highly portable for healthcare monitoring of patients.




Phani Babu, K., & Siva Nageswara Rao, G. (2019). Smart healthcare system. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(12), 4184–4188.

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