People‟s perception of physical development in the local areas of Bhopal

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Gradual increase in the proportion of people living in urban areas is urbanization. Urbanization reflects economic development on one hand and on the other hand affects urban environment adversely. Globally, the more urbanized countries have higher levels of income and prosperity. Indian States also exhibit the same trend. At the same time, urbanizatio n is also perceived to be correlated with pollution, congestion and inferior quality of life [UDPFI Guidelines 2014.]. Since 1996, many changes have taken place in the field of urban development especially in view of emerging needs and requirements of urban settlements due to rapid population growth and other reasons like globalization and liberalization. The towns and cities have been more dynamic in nature and are subject to unprecedented changes in terms of requirements of infrastructure and other basic services and amenities [UDPFI Guidelines 2014.]. Need to assess existing level of physical development in local areas of a city to find out the extra need of physical amenities to meet the present requirement was felt. Selected city of Bhopal to assess physical development in its local areas is a city with the population of more than one million, but less than four million. Also the geography, demography and economics of the city make it an ideal city for the study. The paper intends to assess level of physical development in the local areas of Bhopal with people’s perception, with identified physical amenities.




Pathe, A. R. A., & Sharma, A. (2019). People‟s perception of physical development in the local areas of Bhopal. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(12), 3670–3674.

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